• رسم خرائط لخدمات النظم الإيكولوجية لدعم السياسات واتخاذ القرارات في الاتحاد الأوروبي.
ويعتمد تعميم خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية في صنع السياسات واتخاذ القرارات على توافر معلومات واضحة مكانيا عن حالة واتجاهات النظم الإيكولوجية وخدماتها. وعلى وجه الخصوص، تتناول استراتيجية الاتحاد الأوروبي للتنوع البيولوجي حتى عام 2020 الحاجة إلى مراعاة خدمات النظام الإيكولوجي من خلال رسم الخرائط والتقييم البيوفيزيائيين. وتستعرض هذه الورقة طرق رسم الخرائط الحالية وتحدد الثغرات القائمة في المعارف وتوفر عناصر لإطار منهجي لرسم الخرائط وتقييم النظم الإيكولوجية وخدماتها على النطاق الأوروبي. وتتجاوز منهجيات رسم الخرائط الحالية التقييمات القائمة على الغطاء الأرضي وتشمل استخدام البيانات الأولية لخدمات النظام الإيكولوجي، واستخدام السمات الوظيفية لتخطيط خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية ووضع النماذج ووظائف الإنتاج الإيكولوجي. ويلزم إجراء بحوث إضافية لتغطية النظم الإيكولوجية البحرية وإدراج مرونة النظم الإيكولوجية في التغير البيئي في التقييمات المكانية الصريحة. ويقال إن سلسلة خدمات النظام الإيكولوجي التي تربط النظم الإيكولوجية برفاه الإنسان توفر إطارا ملائما ودائما لتخطيط خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية من أجل دعم سياسات الاتحاد الأوروبي بطريقة أكثر فعالية. نحن نبرهن على استخدام هذا الإطار لرسم الخرائط باستخدام خدمة تنقية المياه كقضية.
يسلط الضوء.
► تعمیم خدمات النظام البیئي في سیاسة الاتحاد الأوروبي یعتمد علی المعلومات المكانیة. ► نحن نلخص الأساليب الحالية لرسم خرائط خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية. We نحدد الثغرات المعرفية في رسم خرائط خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية. We نقترح إطارا متدرجا لتخطيط خدمات النظام الإيكولوجي. We نحن نبرهن على استخدام الإطار لرسم الخرائط باستخدام تنقية المياه.
خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية في المحيط الجنوبي: المقايضات في صنع القرار.
غرانت، سوزي M. هيل، سيميون L.؛ تراثان، فيليب ن. مورفي، يوجين ج. 2018 خدمات النظام الإيكولوجي للمحيط الجنوبي: مقايضات في صنع القرار. علوم أنتاركتيكا، 25 (5). 603-617. دوي / 10،1017 / S0954102018000308.
قبل تحميل، يرجى قراءة سياسات نورا.
_ANS_S0954102018000308a. pdf - النسخة المنشورة.
ملخص مجردة.
خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية هي الفوائد التي تحصل عليها البشرية من النظم الإيكولوجية الطبيعية. نحن هنا تحديد الخدمات الرئيسية التي تقدمها المحيط الجنوبي. وتشمل هذه التدابير توفير المنتجات السمكية، ودورة المغذيات، وتنظيم المناخ والحفاظ على التنوع البيولوجي، مع الفوائد الثقافية والجمالية المرتبطة بها. إن حدود الصيد المحتملة لكريل أنتاركتيكا (يوبوسيا سوبيربا دانا) وحدها تعادل 11٪ من المصيد البحري العالمي الحالي. كما ندرس مدى النظر في عملية صنع القرار في إطار نظام معاهدة أنتاركتيكا في إجراء مقايضات بين خدمات النظام الإيكولوجي، باستخدام إدارة مصايد الكريل في أنتاركتيكا كدراسة حالة. وتنظر إدارة مصايد الأسماك هذه في إجراء مقايضة ثلاثية بين أداء مصايد الأسماك، وحالة مخزون الكريل، وحالة السكان المفترسين. غير أن هناك ندرة في المعلومات عن مدى تمثيل هذه المكونات لخدمات النظم الإيكولوجية الأخرى التي قد تتدهور نتيجة لصيد الأسماك. وهناك أيضا نقص في المعلومات عن كيفية تقدير المستفيدين لخدمات النظم الإيكولوجية هذه. ومن شأن إجراء تقييم رسمي للنظام الإيكولوجي أن يساعد على معالجة هذه الثغرات في المعارف. ويمكن أن يساعد أيضا على تنسيق عملية صنع القرار عبر المنشطات الأمفيتامينية وتعزيز الاعتراف العالمي بخدمات النظم الإيكولوجية في المحيط الجنوبي عن طريق توفير جرد موحد لخدمات النظم الإيكولوجية ذات الصلة وقيمتها للمستفيدين.
الإجراءات (تسجيل الدخول مطلوب)
تنزيل المستندات.
التنزيلات خلال 30 يوما الماضية.
التنزيلات شهريا خلال العام الماضي.
© نيرك فتح البحوث الأرشيف، والمدعوم من إبرينتس 3.4.
خدمات النظام الإيكولوجي للمفاوضات في المحيط الجنوبي في عملية صنع القرار
الانتماء: مركز الاقتصاد الصحي / قسم الاقتصاد والدراسات ذات الصلة، جامعة يورك، هيسلينغتون، يورك، المملكة المتحدة.
سيسيل بروجير.
الانتماء: معهد ستوكهولم للبيئة، جامعة يورك، هيسلينغتون، يورك، المملكة المتحدة.
وتندرج أنشطة تربية الأحياء المائية في النظم الاجتماعية الإيكولوجية المعقدة. غير أن قرارات تنمية تربية الأحياء المائية تميل إلى أن تكون مدفوعة بتوليد الإيرادات، وعدم مراعاة التفاعلات مع البيئة والقيمة الكاملة للفوائد المستمدة من الخدمات التي تقدمها النظم الإيكولوجية المحلية. وكثيرا ما يتم تجاهل المقايضات الناتجة عن التغيرات في خدمات خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية والتأثيرات المرتبطة بها على سبل العيش. تقترح هذه الورقة تطبيق مبتكر لشبكات المعتقدات البيزية - المخططات النفوذ - كنظام دعم القرار للتوسط المفاضلة الناشئة عن تنمية استزراع الجمبري في تايلاند. وقد تم استشارة كبار الخبراء (عدد = 12) وتم جمع بيانات المزرعة الأولية عن اقتصاديات استزراع الجمبري (ن = 20) جنبا إلى جنب مع معلومات ثانوية عن خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية، من أجل بناء وتعبئة الشبكة. وتم تقييم المقايضات كميا من خلال توليد مصفوفة الأثر الاحتمالية. وتصف هذه المصفوفة عدم الخطية وعدم اليقين، وتصف الأداء النسبي وآثار سيناريوهات إدارة استزراع الجمبري على سبل العيش المحلية. كما يتضمن إيرادات التصدير وتوفير وقيمة خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية مثل الحماية الساحلية والتنوع البيولوجي. ويظهر هذا البحث أن نمذجة المعتقد بايزي يمكن أن تدعم اتخاذ القرارات المعقدة بشأن مسارات التنمية المستدامة للاستزراع المائي الساحلي، وبالتالي يساهم في النقاش حول دور تربية الأحياء المائية في الصمود الاجتماعي الإيكولوجي والتنمية الاقتصادية.
الاقتباس: شميت لم، بروجير C (2018) التقاط خدمات النظام الإيكولوجي، تفضيلات أصحاب المصلحة والمقايضة في قرارات الاستزراع المائي الساحلي: تطبيق شبكة المعتقد بايزي. بلوس وان 8 (10): e75956. دوى: 10.1371 / journal. pone.0075956.
المحرر: خوسيه لويس بالكازار، المعهد الكتالوني لبحوث المياه (إيكرا)، إسبانيا.
تاريخ الاستلام: 19 مايو 2018؛ مقبول: 19 أغسطس 2018؛ بابليشيد: أكتوبر 14، 2018.
حقوق الطبع والنشر: © 2018 سميت، بروجير. هذه مقالة مفتوحة الوصول موزعة وفقا لشروط ترخيص كريتيف كومونس أتريبوتيون والتي تسمح بالاستخدام غير المقيد والتوزيع والاستنساخ في أي وسيط، بشرط أن يقيد المؤلف الأصلي والمصدر الأصلي.
التمويل: تم دعم هذا البحث من قبل مشروع ماري كوري إنترا الأوروبي للزمالة إكوليفا "خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية المستدامة و سبل العيش من خلال تنمية الاستزراع المائي" (المشروع رقم: بيف-غا-2009- 235835، 2018-11) الممول في إطار البرنامج الإطاري السابع للجماعة الأوروبية. ولم يكن للممولين دور في تصميم الدراسة، وجمع البيانات وتحليلها، أو قرار نشرها، أو إعداد المخطوطة.
تضارب المصالح: أعلن المؤلفون أنه لا توجد مصالح متنافسة.
وتمثل صناعة الاستزراع المائي في الجمبري في تايلند، التي تمثل 15.4٪ من الإنتاج العالمي من تربية الأحياء المائية في الجمبري في عام 2009 [1]، مساهما رئيسيا في اقتصاد البلاد، مما يجلب ما يزيد على 2 مليار دولار من الإيرادات الأجنبية سنويا [2] ويعمل أكثر من مليون شخص [3]. وغالبية هذه الصناعة (98٪) تقوم على إنتاج الجمبري الأبيض الساق في المحيط الهادئ الغريبة (ليتوبنايوس فانامي)، الذي حل محل الروبيان النمر الأسود العملاق الأصلي (بيناوس مونودون) منذ أوائل 2000s [4].
وأدى إدخال تقنيات الزراعة المكثفة في الثمانينيات إلى أن تصبح تايلند منتجا رائدا عالميا في مجال الروبيان. ومع ذلك، ارتبط هذا التحول بتلوث المياه وحموضة تراكم في أحواض الروبيان. وبالاقتران مع أساليب تربية الفقراء، أدى ذلك إلى ظهور أمراض فيروسية كارثية وانهيار في الإنتاج [5] [6]، مما دفع المزارعين إلى التخلي عن أحواضهم وحفر المزيد منها إلى مناطق غابات المنغروف. واعتبرت مستنقعات أشجار المنغروف ذات قيمة اقتصادية منخفضة، حيث لم تؤخذ خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية التي تقدمها (مثل مغاسل الملوثات، وحماية العواصف، وتوفير الأخشاب والأسماك [7]، [8]) في الاعتبار. ونتيجة لذلك، انخفضت غابات منغروف تايلند إلى النصف بين عامي 1961 و 1993، على الرغم من أن مدى استزراع الجمبري وحده هو المسؤول عن فقدان غطاء المنغروف في البلد لا يزال موضع نقاش (5).
وقد ظهر نهج النظام الإيكولوجي لتربية الأحياء المائية مؤخرا استجابة لدعوات لزيادة الاستدامة في قطاع تربية الأحياء المائية والاعتراف بأن تربية الأحياء المائية غالبا ما تكون جزءا لا يتجزأ من النظم الاجتماعية الإيكولوجية الحساسة [9]. ويدعو هذا النهج إلى النظر في الأبعاد البيولوجية الفيزيائية والبشرية للنظم الإيكولوجية من أجل تحقيق الهدفين المزدوجين المتمثلين في الإنتاج المستدام ورفاه الإنسان ([10]). ويكمن مفهوم الصمود الإيكولوجي الإيكولوجي في صميم هذا النظام، الذي يعرف بأنه "القدرة على الحفاظ على النزاهة عند الاستجابة للتغيرات الخارجية والتغذية المرتدة" [11]. ويتطلب اتخاذ القرارات في سياق النظم الاجتماعية - الإيكولوجية الساحلية النظر في عدة مسائل مختلفة: (1) الترابط، أي أن "تعطيل النظام الواحد من المرجح أن يسبب اضطرابا في الآخر" ([10])، (2) التعقيد وعدم اليقين ، حيث أن استجابات النظم الإيكولوجية الساحلية غالبا ما تكون غير خطية ([12])، كما أن الحد الأدنى من هيكل النظام الإيكولوجي اللازم للحفاظ على تدفق مستمر للخدمات غير معروف ([13])، و (3) نزاعات أصحاب المصلحة الناجمة عن الاستخدامات المتنافسة على الموارد الساحلية والإخفاقات المؤسسية [14].
ومع ذلك، توجد فجوة في المنهجية حيث أن هذه القضايا لا يتم النظر فيها في آن واحد في صنع القرار أو عندما يتم تنفيذ النظام البيئي في المناطق الساحلية. وهذا يستدعي نظاما لدعم القرارات يمكن أن يقيم بشكل كلي المقايضات الناشئة عن قرارات إدارة الاستزراع المائي في السواحل. وأظهر استعراض مسبق لنطاق واستخدامات أدوات دعم القرار المتاحة حاليا (مثل تحليل التكلفة والمنافع الموسعة وتحليل تحليل المعايير المتعددة) أن شبكات بيزيان بيليف نيتوركس (بن) - التي تسمى أيضا مخططات التأثير - تبرز قدرتها على التعامل مع عدم اليقين ، والعلاقات غير الخطية المعقدة، فضلا عن البيانات النوعية والكمية ذات الطابع الإيكولوجي والاقتصادي. وتتمتع شبكات بن أيضا بميزة البقاء واضحة بما فيه الكفاية للسماح بتوصيل نتائج القرار المعقدة إلى صانعي السياسات [15].
وقد طبقت بن على إدارة الموارد الطبيعية لتشكيل الضغوط البشرية على النظم الإيكولوجية المتنوعة [16] - [18]، للمساعدة في تقييم الأبعاد الاجتماعية والإيكولوجية والاقتصادية لإدارة المياه الساحلية وإدارة مستجمعات المياه [19] - [21] و لتقييم ومقارنة خطط إدارة مصايد الأسماك [22]. وقد اقتصرت تطبيقات بن على تربية الأحياء المائية على وضع نماذج لتأثيرات خيارات إدارة المياه على الإنتاج المتزامن للأرز والأسماك وسرطان البحر والروبيان في فييت نام (23)، وتحديد حجم العوامل البشرية وراء اعتماد الاستزراع المائي لخيار البحر كبديل ([15]).
والغرض من هذه الدراسة، وحداثة هذا البحث، هو توسيع استخدام شبكات الاعتقاد بايزي من خلال دمج مؤشرات المرونة الاجتماعية الإيكولوجية وصقل تطبيقها على تربية الأحياء المائية. والهدف المحدد من هذا العمل هو توضيح كيف يمكن لأداة دعم القرار هذه أن تساعد في الوساطة في عمليات التبادل المعقدة والمتعددة في سياق تنمية الاستزراع المائي للجمبري في تايلند من خلال: (1) توضيح المعارف المتاحة عن آثار تربية الأحياء المائية الساحلية على (2) توليد مصفوفة الأثر الاحتمالية التي تسلط الضوء على المقايضات - أو "النزاعات الاجتماعية على المصالح والقيم" ([24]) - وعدم اليقين في نتائج قرارات الإدارة. والهدف الأساسي هو تزويد صانعي السياسات بصورة كاملة عن العواقب المحتملة لقراراتهم المتعلقة بتربية الأحياء المائية على خصائص محددة للنظام. القسم 2 من هذه الورقة يعرض المنهجية المستخدمة لتطوير بن المطبقة على استزراع الجمبري. ويعرض القسم 3 نتائج النمذجة لستة سيناريوهات لإدارة الاستزراع المائي ويقيم آثارها من حيث المفاضلة بين توفير خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية وسبل العيش المحلية والأرباح المالية والتنمية الاقتصادية. وأخيرا، يناقش القسم 4 النتائج ودور بن كنظام لدعم اتخاذ القرار من أجل التنمية المستدامة لتربية الأحياء المائية، وذلك تمشيا مع نظام الشؤون التنفيذية.
المواد والأساليب.
1. منطقة الدراسة وجمع البيانات.
في تايلاند، يتميز قطاع استزراع الجمبري بانتشار وحدات الإنتاج الصغيرة (2 هكتار)، التي تتعايش مع أقلية من المزارع الكبيرة جدا [25]. واعتبارا من عام 2007، كان أكثر من 90 في المائة من مزارع الجمبري مكثفة، أي بكثافات تخزين عالية من الروبيان في الأحواض [26]. ويتم الإنتاج في الغالب في نظم شبه مغلقة تتميز بتبادل ضئيل للمياه مع البيئة الخارجية للحد من إدخال الفيروسات ومسببات الأمراض والإفراج عن التلوث [27] - [29]. ومع ذلك، لا تزال المياه البركية والحمأة تفرغ جزئيا في المجاري المائية المجاورة، ولا سيما في وقت الحصاد. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، تم الإبلاغ عن الجمبري L. فانامي في محيط البرك، على الرغم من التدابير الرامية إلى منع إطلاقها عرضيا في البيئة [30]. وتوجد أيضا أنظمة مغلقة تماما، إلا أن احتياجاتها من خزان للمياه وبركة الترسيب والتهوية المستمرة تجعلها عمليات كثيفة رأس المال [28]. وفي حين أن الاستزراع المائي للروبيان قد حدث على نحو متزايد في المناطق فوق المدية، أي وراء هامش المنغروف (S. فونج سميث، الاتصالات الشخصية، 2018)، لا يزال هناك عدد كبير من مزارع الجمبري يشتبه في أنها تعمل في مناطق المد والجزر بسبب وانعدام إنفاذ القانون والثغرات التشريعية [5]، [31].
ومع ذلك، فإن الوعي بممارسات الإدارة الأفضل، التي وضعتها المبادئ الدولية للزراعة الروبيان المسؤولة ([32])، آخذ في الازدياد. وتطمح هذه المشاريع إلى الحد من تأثير استزراع الجمبري على البيئة وتحسين سبل معيشة المزارعين من خلال تنفيذ تدابير مثل أحواض التخزين وزيادة الكفاءة في الإنتاج من خلال تحسين عملية تغذية الجمبري ([33]). وفي تايلند، جرى تشجيع تنفيذ برامج إدارة المشاريع، ولا سيما بين صغار المنتجين (مثلا [34])، ولكن اعتمادها لا يزال محدودا بالمقارنة مع بلدان أخرى مثل الهند وفييت نام [35] ([36]).
في الطرف الآخر من الطيف الإنتاج هو أكواسيلفيكولتشر، وهو نظام واسع النطاق الذي يعزز الإنتاج المائي متناغم جنبا إلى جنب مع غابات المنغروف [37]، [38] وفي سياق البحث الحالي، تعرف الزراعة المائية بأنها نظام من الروبيان المنغروف حيث يزرع 70٪ من سطح الأحواض مع أشجار المنغروف، ويخصص 30٪ لإنتاج الروبيان. وعلى الرغم من أن تربية الأحياء المائية لا تزال هامشية في تايلند بالمقارنة مع غيرها من بلدان جنوب شرق آسيا، فقد مكنت المزارعين من العودة إلى الزراعة التقليدية المنخفضة الدخل والمدخلات منخفضة الإنتاج بعد فشل المحاصيل [39]. ومن المسلم به أيضا أنه يمكن، في ظل الظروف المناسبة، أن يستخدم كإستراتيجية إدارية مناسبة لإعادة تأهيل أحواض الروبيان غير المستغلة، وتعزيز توفير خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية في المنغروف، وتوفير مصدر تكميلي للدخل للمزارعين ([40])، .
وقد تم توثيق خصائص تنمية استزراع الجمبري في تايلند وتاريخها وآثارها على نطاق واسع وتم جمع المعلومات والبيانات العامة عن هذا القطاع من الأدبيات. وتمشيا مع نظام الشؤون التنفيذية، يرسم الشكل 1 التفاعلات المتعددة للقطاع مع البيئة (بما في ذلك الخدمات التي تقدمها النظم الإيكولوجية الساحلية) والاقتصاد وسبل العيش. وقد تم تحديد أربع مجموعات من أصحاب المصلحة الرئيسيين) على النحو المبين في الشكل 1 (:) 1 (المزارعين أنفسهم، الذين ينظمون في جمعيات ويسعون للحصول على دخل من نشاطهم،) 2 (وحكومة تايلند، التي تسعى للحصول على عائدات التصدير وفرص العمل من خالل سلسلة القيمة الكاملة للجمبري) (3) أعضاء المجتمعات الساحلية الذين يمكن أن يستفيدوا في آن واحد (مثل العمالة) ويعانون (مثل فقدان سبل العيش المعتمدة على أشجار المنغروف) من تحويل أشجار المنغروف إلى الأحواض، و (4) الأجيال المقبلة، التي تمثل حصص الاستدامة الطويلة الأجل التنمية الساحلية.
توسيع الشكل 1. التأثيرات الرئيسية لتربية الأحياء المائية على البيئة والاقتصاد وسبل العيش وما يتصل بها من تنازع بين المستخدمين.
إس = خدمات النظام الإيكولوجي. (أ) ينبغي التمييز بين المنافع البيئية والاجتماعية (إس) النهائية نظرا لأنها غالبا ما تكون نتاجا للمطالبات النهائية (إس) والمدخلات البشرية (مثل معدات الصيد) والتقييم الاقتصادي للنظام الإيكولوجي ينبغي أن ينطبق على فوائد النظام الإيكولوجي فقط [13]، [54]، [55]. الشكل استنادا إلى معلومات من [40] و [8]، والاعتماد على تصنيف خدمات النظام الإيكولوجي بحلول [13]، [55].
ويتعلق الجزء الأكبر من المؤلفات المتعلقة باقتصاديات استزراع الجمبري بمونودون P. وليس L. فانامي، الذي يرتبط بالعائدات والتكاليف والأرباح المختلفة [4]. ولتعبئة هذه الفجوة وتقديم بيانات مستكملة عن تكاليف واستثمارات الاستغلال في شركة L. فانام إي، أجريت دراسات استقصائية في الموقع. وتم أخذ عينات من عشرة مزارعين جمبريين مكثفين في سورات ثاني بمقاطعة سورات ثاني (عينة طبقية حسب حجم المزرعة: 3 مزارع صغيرة جدا (2 هكتار)، 3 مزارع صغيرة (2.1-5 هكتار)، 3 مزارع متوسطة (5-50 هكتار) و 1 مزرعة كبيرة (و 50 هكتار)). كما تم أخذ عينات من عشرة مزارعين مكثفين أصغر حجما في سامرويوت، مقاطعة براتشواب كيري خان (الشكل 2). ومن بين المزارعين في سامرويوت، كان ستة من المزارعين ينفذون ممارسات إدارة أفضل، كما قدموا بيانات اقتصادية وإنتاجية. وقد تم جمع هؤلاء المزارعين الستة في "مجموعة" والعمل معا من أجل تنفيذ برامج إدارة الأعمال.
توسيع الشكل 2. مواقع المسح في الموقع في تايلاند.
1: سورات ثاني (مقاطعة سورات ثاني) التي تمثل استزراع الجمبري التقليدي. 2: سامرويوت (مقاطعة براتشاب كيري خان) التي تمثل استزراع الجمبري على نطاق صغير.
وقدمت المفوضية الأوروبية التخليص الأخلاقي للبحوث في إطار البرنامج الإطاري 7 (بيف-غا-2009- 235835) كشرط للجائزة. تم تصميم واختبار الاستبيانات لضمان التوازن الأمثل بين الحساسية الثقافية وتحقيق أهداف الدراسة. وقد أولي اهتمام خاص لنوع الجنس ولحساسية الأسئلة التي طرحت عند إجراء مقابلات مع النساء أو الأقليات أو الضعفاء (مثل كبار السن والمعوقين والأميين والفقراء) من أجل ضمان التعبير الحر عن آرائهم. وقدم كل من أجريت معهم المقابلة الموافقة الشفهية المستنيرة في ضوء ضمانات السرية وعدم الكشف عن الهوية والخصوصية وحماية البيانات وإمكانية الانسحاب من الاستقصاء في أي وقت. وتم توفير التدريب الأخلاقي لجميع الشركاء المشاركين في جمع البيانات. وقد تم رصد وتقييم المشاركة وعملية البحث وفقا لمدونات السلوك المتفق عليها ومعايير الممارسة البحثية، بما في ذلك الكشف عن استمارات تسجيل الاستبيان وتدميرها في نهاية الدراسة.
2. بن التنمية.
2.1. بن تعريف.
و بن هو الرسم البياني أسيكليك موجهة، والتي يتم التعامل مع المعلمات كما المتغيرات العشوائية ونمذجة عبر العقد. وترد في الجدول 1 تصنيف العقد المستخدمة في نمذجة بن. وتتصل العقد في العلاقات بين الوالدين والطفل (أي التنبؤية). وهناك عقدة "طفل" لها توزيع احتمالي مشروط (كبد) لكل توليفة ممكنة من حالات العقد "الأصل" وعرض التوزيعات تشير إلى مستوى عدم التيقن في العلاقة بين السبب والنتيجة [42]. وخلافا لشبكات بايزي الهرمية، التي تعتمد بشكل مكثف على محاكاة النماذج، يتم الحصول بشكل عام تحليليا على كبدز التي تغذي عقد فرصة بن، مع استخدام رأي الخبراء للتغلب على فجوات البيانات [43]. يسمح تحليل السيناريو بتحديث كبدز عقد العقد في توزيعات الاحتمال الخلفي (بدس) عن طريق قاعدة بايز من الاحتمالات المشتركة [44].
توسيع الجدول 1. تصنيف العقد في النمذجة بن، وفقا لدور النمذجة والموقف في الشبكة.
بالإضافة إلى التعامل الصريح مع عدم اليقين من خلال مفهوم الاعتماد الاحتمالي المشروط بين المتغيرات [45]، يمكن أن يتضمن بن المعلومات النوعية والكمية على حد سواء من خلال ربط عقدة القرار بعقد الصدفة وعقد العقد (الشكل 3). وأخيرا، وبفضل هيكل شبكتها، يوفر بن تمثيل مرئي للعلاقات السببية التي تدعم النظم المعقدة التي يتم تطبيق القرارات الإدارية، فضلا عن المعلومات الاحتمالية المباشرة على النتائج غير المؤكدة للإجراءات الإدارية [46]، [47].
توسيع الشكل 3. الاتفاقية المعتمدة لتمثيل بيانيا كل نوع من العقدة في شبكة المعتقد بايزي.
2.2. بناء الشبكة.
وقد أدرجت معلومات عن آثار استزراع الجمبري التي تم جمعها من الأدبيات في شبكة عبر عقد الصدفة، حيث تم توضيح العلاقات بين السبب والنتيجة. وقد تم اختيار عقد الأوراق، التي هي محور التركيز لتحليل السيناريو الخاص بنا، على وجه التحديد لتمثيل تنوع مصالح المجموعات الأربع من أصحاب المصلحة الذين تم تحديدهم من قبل، بحيث يمكن أن تكون صراعات المستخدمين واضحة في نتائج المخرجات. وقد تم تطوير بن عبر برنامج جيني من مختبر نظم القرار من جامعة بيتسبرغ، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية (dsl. sis. pitt. edu). هذا البرنامج هو متاح بحرية ولديها ميزة على غيرها من البرمجيات الحرة شائعة الاستخدام من عدم الحد من حجم الشبكة.
بعد توجيهات ماركوت وآخرون [48]، كان عدد العقد الأم لكل عقدة طفل مقتصرا على ثلاثة بحيث يبقى عدد كبدز من العقد الفرعية ضمن حدود معقولة. ونتيجة لذلك، وضعت ثلاثة خيارات للنمذجة:
بنيت بن على مستوى مزرعة الجمبري، وبالتالي لم نموذج سلسلة القيمة الجمبري كله. ومع ذلك، فقد تم التعامل بشكل غير مباشر مع العمالة الناتجة عن هذا القطاع من خلال عقدة "مساهمة طويلة الأجل لصادرات الجمبري في البلاد". وقد تم تناول مسألة الأحواض المهجورة في النموذج من خلال عقدة "المساهمة على المدى الطويل لصادرات الجمبري في البلاد" (وجهة نظر الحكومة التايلاندية) وحساب صافي القيمة الحالية للربح الذي حققه اختصاصيو الأحياء المائية. وقد ركزت نمذجة قدرة المجتمعات الساحلية على الصمود، التي كانت مستوحاة من إطار آشلي وآخرين لسبل كسب الرزق (49)، على رأس المال الطبيعي والبشري والمالي الذي كان أكثر ما يمكن معالجته في التحليل الحالي. وتم وضع نماذج لهذه المصادر الثلاثة لرأس المال عن طريق عقد "الأسماك / الأخشاب للسكان المحليين" و "صحة السكان المحليين" و "إمكانية تنويع الدخل" على التوالي.
وقد استدعت نمذجة خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية في المنغروف حكما قيما بشأن كيفية إبلاغ قيمة هذه الخدمات على أفضل وجه. وقد تم تصميم جميع خدمات النظم الإيكولوجية منغروف على شكل نوعي عن طريق عقد الصدفة. ومع ذلك، تم أيضا وضع نماذج للحماية الساحلية كميا في الوحدات النقدية (عقدة المنفعة) حيث يقدر أن هذه الخدمة هي الأكثر قيمة من الناحية الاقتصادية ([12]).
2.3. دراسة الحالة وسيناريوهات الإدارة.
تم تعريف دراسة حالة افتراضية تمثل مجموعة من إمكانات إدارة الأحواض الأرضية لإظهار كيف يمكن للبن الذي تم بناؤه أن يدعم اتخاذ القرارات المعقدة بشأن مسارات تنمية تربية الأحياء المائية الساحلية. واستخدمت دراسة الحالة هذه ستة سيناريوهات للاستزراع المائي وإدارة الأراضي (الجدول 2)، مدعومة بمجموعة من الافتراضات المحددة في الجدول 3.
توسيع الجدول 2. سيناريوهات الاستزراع المائي والاستزراع المائي بشكل متبادل المستخدمة في نمذجة بن.
2.4. مشاركة الخبراء.
وقد تم الاتصال بمجموعة من 42 من كبار الخبراء في الاستزراع المائي الساحلي من الأوساط الأكاديمية والمؤسسات البحثية والصناعة عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني للتحقق من صحة الشبكة ودراسة الحالة واستخلاص كبدز التي تملأ العقد فرصة. وأرسلوا جداول احتمالات مشروطة لملء كل عقدة فرصة، جنبا إلى جنب مع تفسيرات واسعة حول بن شيدت، دراسة الحالة وسيناريوهات الإدارة النظر فيها. وقد ساهم اثنا عشر من هؤلاء الخبراء في صقل متغيرات الشبكة والعلاقات السببية، وإلى تنقيح الافتراضات التي تقوم عليها دراسة الحالة. وقد استفاد أربعة من الخبراء الاثني عشر من هذه البرامج من خلال عدد من التكرارات والحوار المتعمق.
2.5. بن المعلمة.
عقد فرصة. ولأن النمذجة الفيزيائية الحيوية كانت خارج نطاق هذا البحث وبسبب الافتقار إلى مجموعات البيانات المتاحة، فإن جميع كبدز لعقد فرص النموذج قد أثارها الخبراء. كما يضم بن عدد كبير من العقد فرصة (24)، وعزت جميع العقد فرصة دول "عالية"، "المتوسطة" و "منخفضة" لتسهيل ممارسة استدراج كبد. وعلى الرغم من أن تطبيق هذا التقييد على حالات المتغيرات يمثل بوضوح تبسيط للواقع، فإنه يمكن في نهاية المطاف من تقديم معلومات عن المقايضات في شكل يسهل فهمه لصانعي القرار. ثم تم حساب متوسط القيم المعيارية لل كبدس المستحثة.
عقدة المساعدة لحماية السواحل. باربير في آل. أن مستوى مانغروف لتوهين الموجة كان وظيفة من الدرجة الثانية لحجم الموائل، مما سمح بحساب مجموعة من التقديرات للقيمة النقدية لخدمات حماية السواحل [12]. ومن أجل ربط هذه التقديرات بالمستوى النوعي لنوعية الحماية الساحلية التي صيغت في بن، فإن كل مستوى من مستويات الحماية الساحلية ("عالية" و "متوسطة" و "منخفضة") يرتبط بشكل تعسفي بتغير غير خطي في ارتفاع الموجة، مت اإعادة تقييم تقديرات القيمة النقدية اإىل وحدات راي. ويوضح الشكل 4 هذا الإجراء الذي مكن من إدراج قيم الحماية الساحلية في النموذج.
توسيع الشكل 4. بارامتريساتيون من عقدة فائدة "قيمة الحماية الساحلية".
(أ) تقديرات محسوبة ([12]) استنادا إلى طريقة التكلفة المتوقعة للأضرار مقترنة بوظيفة توهين الموجة التربيعية والافتراض بأن كل كيلومتر 2 من أشجار المنغروف يمثل مساحة غابات منغروف مساحتها 100 متر على طول خط ساحلي طوله 10 كيلومترات. تم تحويل التقديرات في (دولار أمريكي / راي) مع 1 راي = 0.0016 كم 2. (ب) صافي القيم الحالية المحسوبة على مدى فترة زمنية تبلغ 20 سنة بمعدل خصم قدره 10٪.
عقد فائدة للربح السنوي لأخصائيي تربية الأحياء المائية. ولا يشمل حساب الربح الذي حققته مجموعة خبراء الاستزراع المائي إلا التكاليف والإيرادات المتوقع أن تتأثر إلى حد كبير بنوع إدارة المزارع. ولذلك، فإن مصطلح "الربح" هنا هو مؤشر على الأداء المالي لكل خيار من خيارات الإدارة، وليس للأرباح المحاسبية المكتسبة. تم التعبير عن الربح السنوي بالدولار الأمريكي / الراي بحيث يمكن إعادة توزيعه بسهولة على أي عدد من المزارع. ويوضح الجدول S1، في دعم المعلومات، الكيفية التي تم بها دمج البيانات الاقتصادية والإنتاجية من الدراسات الاستقصائية في الموقع في سورات ثاني وسامرويوت في حسابات الربح، بالاقتران مع البيانات الثانوية ورأي الخبراء.
وفي كل سيناريو إداري، تم حساب الربح السنوي لعلماء الأحياء المائية في جيني، من خلال عدة عقد فائدة، استنادا إلى الصيغ (1) و (2). تم حساب صافي القيمة الحالية (نبف) في إكسيل وفقا للصيغة (3).
هو إجمالي الدخل السنوي للمزارعين (دولار أمريكي / راي، 1 راي = 0.16 هكتار)؛ هو إجمالي إنتاج الجمبري السنوي (كجم / راي)؛ هو خسارة المحاصيل السنوية (٪)؛ هو سعر باب مزرعة الجمبرى (دولار / كجم). هو الربح السنوي (دولار أمريكي / راي)؛ هو تكلفة الإنتاج السنوي المتغير (دولار أمريكي / راي)؛ هي تكلفة الاستثمار (دولار أمريكي / راي)؛ هو عمر المزرعة (سنوات) وهو معدل الخصم.
1. الشبكة ومصفوفة الأثر.
يوفر بن في الشكل 5 تمثيل رسومي للمعرفة والمعتقد للعلاقات السببية بين الآثار الاجتماعية والبيئية والاقتصادية المرتبطة سيناريوهات إدارة الأراضي والمزارع بالنسبة لاستزراع الجمبري. إنتاج النماذج لعقد الأوراق الخمسة (الأرباح السنوية لعلماء الأحياء المائية؛ المساهمة الطويلة الأجل لصادرات الجمبري في البلد؛ قيمة الحماية الساحلية؛ التنوع البيولوجي؛ مرونة المجتمع المحلي)، والتي تم اختيارها خصيصا لتعكس المفاضلات ونزاعات المستخدمين، في شكل مصفوفة تأثير احتمالية (الشكل 6). وسجل السيناريو "استعادة الغابات + نظام مغلق" أعلى مستوى على كل معيار على غرار العقد ورقة، وبالتالي يمثل السيناريو أفضل الحالات.
توسيع الشكل 5. شبكة المعتقد بايزي وقوة التأثير بين المتغيرات.
ويوضح عرض الأسهم التي تربط العقد قوة التأثير بين المعلمات المشفرة بتوزيعات الاحتمالات المشروطة. (أ) عقدة الفرصة التي تحدد الإنتاج الزراعي نوعيا فوق الولايات "عالية" و "متوسطة" ومنخفضة ". (ب) عقدة المنفعة التي تحدد الإنتاج الزراعي كميا (كغ / راي).
بعد انتشار الاعتقاد، تم الحصول على توزيعات الاحتمالات الخلفية وقيم المنفعة المتوقعة لكل عقدة ورقة لكل سيناريو الإدارة. وتلخص المصفوفة أداء سيناريوهات الإدارة الخمسة في ضوء سيناريو الجامعة العربية على المعايير الموضوعة من خلال عقد الأوراق. يتم حساب قيم صافي القيمة الحالية (دولار أمريكي / راي) على مدى 20 سنة من الزمن، وذلك باستخدام معدل خصم بنسبة 10٪. (ب) يشمل فقط تكاليف الاستغلال والإيرادات المتأثرة بخيار الإدارة. ج قيم صافي القيمة الحالية (دولار أمريكي / راي) محسوبة باستخدام معدل خصم بنسبة 10٪ واستنادا إلى تقديرات عمر المزرعة (انظر الجدول S1). 1 هكتار = 6.25 راي.
2. تحليلات التفسير والحساسية.
وفي حين أدت مستويات الإنتاج الزراعي إلى إحداث فرق في الأرباح السنوية بين سيناريوهات الإدارة، فإن خسارة الإنتاج الناجمة عن إعادة زراعة أشجار المنغروف في الأحواض كانت تعوض جزئيا عن انخفاض خطر فقدان الجمبري بسبب تفشي الأمراض أو الأعاصير، واحتمال أكبر في الحصول على علاوة سعرية عن طريق شهادة الإنتاج . على سبيل المثال، كان الربح السنوي في إطار السيناريوهات "إعادة زراعة 20٪" و "إعادة زرع 40٪" أقل من تحت "باو" بنسبة 15٪ فقط و 32٪ على التوالي. ويرجع ذلك إلى انخفاض خسارة المحاصيل المتوقعة (10.3٪ و 8٪ من المحصول السنوي على التوالي، مقابل 12.6٪ ل "باو") واحتمال أكبر للحصول على شهادة (12.7٪ و 19.7٪ على التوالي، مقابل 8٪ ل "باو "). وجاء الأداء المالي الأفضل للسيناريو "بمب" مقابل "باو" نتيجة لانخفاض تكاليف التغذية بعد تحسين عملية تغذية الروبيان.
تم اختبار الحساسية للافتراضات التي تقوم عليها حسابات القيمة الحالية. ونتيجة للخصم المركب، كانت الحساسية لمعدل الخصم حادة بشكل خاص بالنسبة لسيناريوهات "أكواسيلفيكولتشر" و "استعادة الغابات + نظام مغلق"، حيث يفترض أن نظم الإدارة هذه تعمل على أطول فترات (50 سنة و 30 سنة على التوالي) . وعلى العكس من ذلك، كانت حساسية عمر المزرعة أقوى بالنسبة للسيناريوهات "باو" و "بمب" حيث أنها كانت مرتبطة بعمر أقصر (10 و 13 سنة على التوالي). وبافتراض أن جميع النظم ستعمل لمدة 10 سنوات فقط، فإن السيناريو "استعادة الغابات + النظام المغلق" لم يعد مرتبطا بأكبر صافي ربح جديد من الأرباح بسبب التكلفة الاستثمارية المرتفعة المتكبدة في السنة 0 (4،249 دولار أمريكي / راي).
2-2 قيمة الحماية الساحلية.
وكلما كان سطح البركة المعاد زراعته أكبر، زادت القيمة المتوقعة للحماية الساحلية. وبعد الافتراضات المتعلقة باحتمال مستويات الحماية الساحلية المرتبطة بكل سيناريو إداري (انظر الجدول 2)، اشتملت بن على عدم اليقين بشأن جودة الحماية الساحلية فقط للسيناريوهات التي تنطوي على إعادة زرع 20٪ و 40٪ من سطح الأحواض. والقيم الاقتصادية للحماية الساحلية تستند إلى الترابط المفترض بين المستويات النوعية للحماية والتوفير الكمي لخدمة توهين الموجات (انظر الشكل 3). Sensitivity analysis showed that the stronger the assumption of non-linearity, the more spread out across management scenarios coastal protection values were.
2.3 Long-term contribution to the country's exports.
The performance of scenarios “aquasilviculture” and “restore forest+closed-system” on the long-term contribution to the country's exports differed sharply from the “BAU” scenario. It was expected to be high with a 62% probability under scenario “restore forest+closed-system” (vs. 37% under “BAU”), while it was expected to be low with a 69% probability under scenario “aquasilviculture” (vs. 28% under “BAU”). By contrast, in the other scenarios, the level of contribution to exports did not differ substantially from the “BAU” scenario as the decrease in production due to replanting was partially offset by an increase in farm lifespan (lower bioaccumulation of pollutants). For example, the likelihood of high contribution to exports under scenario “replant 40%” was only 4 percentage points lower than under “BAU”.
2.4 Biodiversity.
Whilst biodiversity levels (“high”, “medium”, “low”) were not specifically defined here, they were meant to reflect the degree of variety of living organisms and genetic variability encapsulated in the definition of biodiversity adopted in Article 2 of the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1993. The likelihood of a high level of biodiversity was shown to increase from 7% under “BAU” to 8% under “BMP”, 17% under “replant 20%”, 25% under “replant 40%”, 58% under “aquasilviculture” and 75% under “restore forest+closed-system”. Interestingly, the likelihood of high biodiversity increased by 50% between scenarios “replant 20%” and “replant 40%” and by 130% between scenarios “replant 40%” and “aquasilviculture” (i. e. replant 70%), highlighting non-linearity in ecosystem service provision. Sensitivity analysis consisted of evaluating the separate impacts on biodiversity levels under each sensitivity scenario of: (i) a high risk of spread of diseases to native species; (ii) high water quality and (iii) low pollution from other activities, against the base case simulation (run 1) where the root node “pollution from other activities” was populated with a uniform PD. For these sensitivity analyses, the nodes “risk of spread of diseases to native species”, “surface water quality” and “pollution from other activities” were separately controlled, in three successive runs, to be with a 100% probability in a given state of interest (e. g. “low” or “high”). Results, presented in Figure 7, showed that water quality, itself partially driven by levels of external pollution, is expected to have a greater influence on biodiversity levels than the risk of spread of disease to native species.
Expand Figure 7. Sensitivity analyses for the node “Biodiversity”.
Assessment of the predictive influence of the variables “risk of spread of diseases to native species”, “surface water quality” and “pollution from other activities” on the posterior probability distribution of the node “biodiversity”.
2.5 Resilience of local community.
Scenarios “restore forest+closed-system” and “aquasilviculture” stood out as very likely to bring high coastal community resilience, with a 93% and 82% probability respectively, vs. 27% under “BAU”. By contrast, the spread of posterior PDs under replanting scenarios showed much greater uncertainty in the expected level of resilience. Sensitivity analysis focused on the node “locals' subsistence capacity” as it strongly influenced the node “resilience of local community” (see Figure 5). Each parent node of the node “locals' subsistence capacity” (i. e. nodes “quantity of wood for locals”, “quantity of fish for locals” and “local employment”) was separately controlled, in three successive runs, to be in the state “low” with a 100% probability. Results against run 1, presented in Figure 8, showed that uncertainty in the level of restoration of productive services was the greatest contributor to overall uncertainty in subsistence capacity and thus, of resilience. Additionally, under the replanting and aquasilviculture scenarios, the likelihood of high subsistence capacity was found to decrease more under the “low wood” sensitivity run than under the “low fish” sensitivity run. However, when the mangrove forest was restored to its original state (scenario “restore forest+closed-system”), fish and wood provision were found to have an equal influence on locals' subsistence capacity.
Expand Figure 8. Sensitivity analyses for the node “Locals' subsistence capacity.”
Assessment of the predictive influence of the variables “quantity of wood for locals”, “quantity of fish for locals” and “local employment” on the posterior probability distribution of the node “locals' subsistence capacity”.
1. Highlights and contextualisation of the modeling results.
Firstly, economic results aim solely to provide an indication of the difference in scenarios' financial performance and of the economic impact of improving coastal protection by replanting mangroves. As such, they should not be used for predictive purposes.
Secondly, the differential performance of scenarios in terms of contribution to Thailand's shrimp exports underlines substantial differences in production capacity and reliability between systems. Indeed, the productive capacity of aquasilviculture is small compared to closed systems, which are themselves more reliable than conventional systems (“BAU”) due to better disease risk management. Additionally, results suggest that, in the long run, the loss in production capacity from mangroves replanting in ponds is at least partially offset by the increase in farm lifespan due to a lower bioaccumulation of pollutants.
Thirdly, the non-linearity in biodiversity provision highlighted in the results is of particular relevance for the identification of an optimal level of mangrove replanting. The impact of management scenarios on biodiversity is, however, expected to be more complex than our results suggest and should be validated by field data.
Fourthly, systems where farming is mixed with mangroves may differ in the way they control organisms entering and exiting the shrimp pond (M. Troell, personal communication, 2018). Therefore, when considering local community resilience, uncertainty about the level of restoration of productive services is likely to be larger for the provision of nursery habitat and fish seed than for wood. The greater uncertainty in the restoration of fish provision following mangrove replanting may explain why wood availability appears as a stronger contributor to locals' subsistence capacity than fish provision. This hypothesis should, however, be tested empirically.
2. Role of this BBN as a decision support tool for sustainable coastal resource use.
The BBN presented here provided a holistic representation of the main user conflicts and trade-offs associated with various forms of shrimp farming development. Although not a predictive tool, this BBN is a means of articulating existing knowledge and beliefs about the multiple interactions of shrimp farming with the environment, the economy and livelihoods. It also enables to quantitatively compare the trade-offs associated with a range of aquaculture development strategies. In a context of renewed calls for the improved governance of the sector, especially in countries where the social-ecological resilience of coastal areas has been eroded in the past, this approach could help policy-makers understand the potential consequences of their decisions and increase the transparency of their policy choices by prompting them to explicitly value pre-defined sustainability criteria.
Sustainable land and farm management practices should be in line with the principles of the EAA and adaptable to local constraints as part of adaptive management [10]. Consequently, the objective of Thai policy-makers should not be to identify the best aquaculture scenario to promote to all coastal areas, but to define an appropriate diversified portfolio of environmentally-friendly and socially-acceptable practices, where aquasilviculture and closed-systems are only the extremes of a spectrum of possible options [11]. By making explicit how different alternatives may mediate the major trade-offs associated with shrimp farming, the BBN developed here can support the construction of such a diversified portfolio of management practices and inform policy choices.
Furthermore, since conventional intensive shrimp farmers have traditionally focussed on short-term profitability instead of sustainability [39], economic incentives are expected to play a key role in the successful diffusion and adoption of more sustainable management practices among aquaculturists. Potential governmental levers include the improvement of farmers' access to certified markets that drive a price premium, the set-up of microfinance schemes (e. g. to help fund capital-intensive closed-systems), and the implementation of schemes for payments for ecosystem services. Regarding the latter, and subject to property rights and farmers' acceptance, modeling findings on the estimation of the difference in financial performance between the “BAU” scenario and alternatives involving the restoration of mangroves ecosystem services could help in defining a level of compensation to provide to aquaculturists. However, as yields, costs and revenues can vary widely between sites [50], [51], our data on aquaculturists' profits would need to be complemented by other data on costs and revenues to generate reliable estimates of the impacts of management scenarios on aquaculturists' profits at local, regional or national scales [50], [51].
Although adjustments would be required, the model developed in this paper could be replicated for capturing trade-offs between aquaculture development and environmental and livelihood protection objectives in other countries of Southeast Asia (particularly the Philippines and Indonesia) and Latin America (e. g. Mexico, Honduras, Venezuela), where shrimp farming has displaced mangroves. The issue of scale, however, should be at the core of potential replications of the model. Local land and farm management practices should also be encompassed in wider integrated coastal assessments since “mangroves destruction goes beyond the shrimp industry alone” [52]. Additionally, in areas where shrimp pond abandonment has been a widespread phenomenon following disease outbreaks [5], the model could provide a basis for modeling the rehabilitation of disused shrimp ponds and restoration of mangrove ecosystem services. To transfer the application of the BBN to such cases, the extent to which the ecosystem has been altered, e. g. acidity levels, tidal hydrology and soil alteration, and the objective of ecosystem services restoration, e. g. coastline protection, supporting community livelihoods through restoration of coastal fisheries, or aquasilviculture development, should be incorporated [53]. Pond rehabilitation options for other commercial purposes such as salt production and coconut plantations could also be considered.
3. Suggestions for methodological improvements.
Given the size of the network and for practical reasons, our elicitation exercise left what constituted “high”, “middle” and “low” levels for each variable open to experts' interpretation. Ideally, the discrete states of all variables should have been characterised by a wider consultation with them.
Furthermore, interactions with experts at each stage of the network development should be complemented with broader consultations with key stakeholders, such as aquaculturists, local communities, environmental organisations and government representatives. Not only this is likely to strengthen the robustness of the model [23], it should also ease the implementation of policy measures stemming from the modeling findings [46].
Finally, although it was decided to focus only on ecosystem services that had a substantial economic value or that could be considered in terms of their qualitative contribution to local communities' resilience, the BBN could be further refined by incorporating other ecosystem services such as cultural services and carbon sequestration. The integration of profits from the latter, potentially secured via payments for ecosystem services, could enable to more accurately model the financial performance associated with each land management scenario.
This paper aimed to develop a Bayesian belief network (BBN) as a decision support system for mediating trade-offs between economic development, protection of natural ecosystems and coastal livelihoods, piloted in the case of the Thai coastal shrimp aquaculture. Modeling insights consisted of identifying for each land and aquaculture management scenario: (i) the expected magnitude of trade-offs due to user-conflicts and (ii) the level of uncertainty surrounding scenarios' performance on criteria reflecting stakeholders' diverse interests. Further analyses enabled quantitative measurement of the sensitivity of the model outputs to pre-defined assumptions (e. g. farm lifespan), input values (e. g. percentage of crop loss, pollution from external activities) and conditional probabilistic dependencies between the network's variables.
Whilst the BBN was developed for coastal shrimp farming in Thailand, suggestions were provided on how to apply this decision tool to other coastal aquaculture contexts. The presently developed BBN can therefore support the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach for Aquaculture in three ways: (i) by articulating available knowledge and beliefs on aquaculture's multiple interactions with the environment, the economy and livelihoods, (ii) by promoting comprehensiveness, explicit handling of uncertainty and transparency in the valuation of pre-defined sustainability criteria and (iii) by supporting innovative policy measures. Examples of such measures include the design of a diversified portfolio of sustainable farm management practices and of schemes of payments for ecosystem services. Finally, from a wider perspective, this research underlines the potential of BBNs to help frame the sustainable development of productive industries that interfere with the provision of ecosystem services.
دعم المعلومات.
Economic and production data used for profit computation (supporting information).
The authors are grateful to project partners in Thailand (Coastal Resources Institute (CORIN) – Asia, and Seafresh Industry Public Co. Ltd) and to all the experts consulted during the study. They would like to acknowledge in particular the contributions of Dr. Dominique Gautier (Aquastar Ltd, UK); Dr. Malcolm Beveridge (WorldFish Center, Africa); Dr. Stuart Bunting (Essex University, UK) and Dr. Neil Ridler (University of Brunswick, Canada) in the probability elicitation exercise. The authors are also grateful to Drs. Murray Rudd and Richard Cookson at the University of York, UK, for their useful comments on an earlier draft, and to Sarah West for her proofreading of the manuscript.
Author Contributions.
Conceived and designed the experiments: LS CB. Performed the experiments: LS. Analyzed the data: LS CB. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: CB. Wrote the paper: LS CB.
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Ecosystem Service Tradeoff Analysis: Quantifying the Cost of a Legal Regime.
by Kristin Carden, a Crow White, b Steven D. Gaines, c.
Christopher Costello, d Sarah Anderson e.
As decision makers in the United States transition toward more holistic management of living and nonliving marine resources, they must confront the inevitable tradeoffs that flow from choosing one suite of ecological and economic benefits over another. The U. S. National Ocean Policy appreciates this reality, and provides for a Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (CMSP) approach to managing marine resources in U. S. waters. But while CMSP inherently recognizes the tradeoffs that inhere in ecosystem-based natural resource management, the preferred mechanism by which those tradeoffs will be evaluated remains unclear.
This article focuses on one emerging tool that can enable prospective evaluation of the tradeoffs inherent in natural resource decision-making processes like CMSP: ecosystem service tradeoff analysis. We demonstrate the potential of this tool through an evaluation of the ecological and economic tradeoffs flowing from the institution of Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries (TURFs) in the southern California red sea urchin fishery. While ecosystem service tradeoff analysis does not reveal to policy makers the “best” solution to resource allocation decisions—that determination is a societal value judgment—it can illuminate the potential costs and benefits of an extant or proposed law, regulation, or policy in a clear, transparent way. This, in turn, enables more effective communication of decision-making rationales to the public and can provide a catalyst for policy overhaul. In sum, ecosystem service tradeoff analysis represents one of the most powerful tools available to facilitate the transition to CMSP and comprehensive, ecosystem-based natural resource management.
On July 19, 2018, in response to the final recommendations of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force and in furtherance of a new National Ocean Policy, President Obama issued an Executive Order on the Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes . [1] The President issued this Executive Order in response to a growing recognition of our nation’s long history of marine resource overexploitation and marine system degradation. [2] From overfishing and habitat destruction, [3] to ocean acidification [4] and land-based pollution, [5] our oceans face an unprecedented onslaught of anthropogenic stressors. Governance and institutional failures, [6] competition for scarce ocean resources, and disagreement among stakeholders over how ocean resources should (or should not) be used exacerbate these challenges. [7]
To address these challenges, the Executive Order provides for a Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (CMSP) approach to managing marine resources in U. S. waters. [8] CMSP is “a comprehensive, [9] adaptive, integrated, [10] ecosystem-based, [11] and transparent spatial planning process, based on sound science, for analyzing current and anticipated uses of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes areas.” [12] CMSP allows decision makers [13] to consider how multiple users of marine resources [14] interact with each other across ocean space, and represents a scaling-up of ocean resource management from the traditional, single-sector approach to holistic, ecosystem-based management. [15] As such, it reflects society’s growing recognition of and appreciation for the ecological and economic benefits that intact and functioning ecosystems can provide. [16]
Through a CMSP forum, practitioners and stakeholders from across the disciplinary and interest group spectrum can come together to jointly inform holistic ocean resource management. [17] CMSP provides a way for decision makers to “identif[y] areas most suitable for various types or classes of activities in order to reduce conflicts among uses, reduce environmental impacts, facilitate compatible uses, and preserve critical ecosystem services to meet economic, environmental, security, and social objectives.” [18] A CMSP approach respects the fact that different activities—and the environmental impacts flowing from those activities—occur at different spatial and temporal scales, and incorporates such considerations into the decision-making process. [19] Through its focus on siting and its recognition of competing uses, CMSP necessitates and facilitates an “evaluat[ion of] the tradeoffs associated with proposed alternative human uses” across ocean space. [20]
Evaluating such tradeoffs is a critical and unavoidable part of the natural resource decision-making process, [21] albeit one that has often been done on an ad hoc basis. [22] CMSP provides decision makers with the opportunity to tackle tradeoffs head-on, a proactive, deliberative approach that has the potential to reduce stakeholder conflict in the long run. Various tools are emerging that can enable prospective evaluation of the tradeoffs inherent in natural resource decision-making processes like CMSP. [23] One such tool is ecosystem service tradeoff analysis. [24] Ecosystem service tradeoff analysis is grounded in economics and decision theory, [25] and traditionally has been used in the ecological and economic disciplines. [26] Tradeoff analysis has not received as much attention in the law and policy literatures, but holds great potential for informing the discourse in those fora as well. [27]
The purpose of this article is twofold: first, to show how ecosystem [28] service tradeoff analysis can quantify [29] the effects of alternative resource management [30] regimes, and second, to consider the policy implications of such assessment. [31] For demonstration purposes, we develop a tradeoff analysis model that considers ecological and economic tradeoffs flowing from the institution of Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries (TURFs) in the southern California red sea urchin ( Strongylocentrotus franciscanus ) fishery. This article is not meant to be prescriptive; it does not seek to identify TURFs as the “best” fishery management option for the red sea urchin fishery. [32] Rather, this article aims to show how one tool, ecosystem service tradeoff analysis, can be used to clearly illustrate the extent to which the contours of a given law, policy, or management strategy impede, facilitate, or are neutral to the provision of a given ecosystem service. In other words, tradeoff analysis can serve as an effective tool for evaluating different regulatory schemes. While ecologists and economists have been aware of this tool’s potential for some time, [33] this article seeks to bring this tool to a new audience: policy makers and legal scholars. Practitioners and stakeholders from across the political sphere and disciplinary spectrum will be engaged in the CMSP process, and ecosystem service tradeoff analysis—to the extent it becomes a well‑known and well-used tool—can communicate relevant information to this multidisciplinary audience in a straightforward and mutually understandable manner. [34]
This Article begins with a general overview of fishery management in the United States: its history, and the trend toward property rights-based approaches like TURFs. It then describes ecosystem services (what they are) and ecosystem service tradeoff analysis (what it is and the process it encompasses). A discussion of the particular model developed for this article follows, [35] along with some recommendations on how tradeoff analysis might be used in natural resource decision-making processes.
I. General Background.
United States fisheries managers historically have relied upon a combination of techniques to manage marine fisheries. These techniques include restrictions on season length, gear type, fishing grounds (e. g., spatial restrictions and area closures), the number of fishermen allowed to fish, and the total allowable catch (TAC). [36] In fisheries with a “hard TAC,” the fishery is closed once the TAC has been harvested for a given species in a given fishing season. [37] A fishery’s impending closure often leads fishermen to embark upon a “race to fish,” as each fisherman strives to catch as many fish as possible before the season ends. [38] This race to fish is not only unsafe for the fishermen, who may defy hazardous weather conditions to take part in the derby, [39] it can also lead to overcapacity in fishing fleets (i. e., overcapitalization) [40] and overexploitation of wild fish stocks. [41] The race to fish, in concert with overcapitalization and subsidization, can lead to the commercial extinction [42] of fish stocks and staggering economic waste. [43] One of the keys to halting the race to fish and its deleterious consequences is to develop fishery management techniques that provide fishermen with the incentive to harvest in a more sustainable manner.
To this end, many scientists, economists, and fishery managers are now recommending the incorporation of property rights into the fishery management framework. [44] “Limited access privilege programs” (LAPPs), also known as “catch shares,” comprise one class of property rights-based management techniques that holds promise for sustainable fisheries management. [45] Under a catch share system, an individual fisherman or group of fishermen [46] is guaranteed exclusive access [47] to some portion of the catch. [48] The allure of catch shares is that they provide fishermen with a more encompassing harvesting right than do traditional fishery management techniques. [49] By vesting fishermen with an exclusive, secure interest in some fraction of the fishery resource, catch shares reduce the need for fishermen to race to fish or engage in activities harmful to fish stocks and fish habitat. [50] Consequently, catch shares should, per economic theory, cultivate in fishermen a vested interest in the future health of the fishery and encourage stewardship behavior. [51]
Globally, the most commonly used catch share is the individual fishing quota (IFQ). [52] Under an IFQ program, an individual fisherman or group of fishermen is guaranteed a specified percentage of the seasonal TAC for a given species. [53] IFQs currently are used in a number of U. S. fisheries, [54] including the Alaskan halibut and sablefish longline fishery, [55] the Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery, [56] the South Atlantic wreckfish fishery, [57] and the Mid-Atlantic surf clam and quahog fishery. [58] To date, empirical evidence on the performance of IFQs supports the theoretical predictions of the sustainability value of catch shares. [59] According to a recent comprehensive survey of 11,135 fisheries, “the fraction of [IFQ]-managed fisheries that were collapsed . . . was about half that of non-[IFQ] fisheries[.]” [60]
This Article focuses on TURFs, a spatially based catch share that has not been used extensively in the United States in the past, [61] but has the potential for expanded use in wild capture fisheries. TURFs have been used successfully in other countries, [62] and find support in U. S. fishery policy pronouncements including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Catch Share Policy . [63] In a TURF system, a fisherman (or group of fishermen) [64] is provided with exclusive harvesting rights for a particular species (or suite of species) on the seafloor [65] of and/or in the water column [66] overlying [67] a delimited spatial area. [68] Along with other property rights-based approaches to fishery management, TURFs are designed to promote long-term resource stewardship. In TURF systems, where individuals, communities, or cooperatives retain durable, exclusive harvesting privileges to areas of ocean space, fishermen should “have a strong incentive to manage their TURFs for long-term profitability, which typically involves . . . sustainable harvests in perpetuity.” [69] Yet whether or not sustainable harvest incentives inhere depends—to a perhaps underappreciated extent—on the specific and nuanced contours of a particular fishery management policy. [70] Ecosystem service tradeoff analysis can illuminate how expected outcomes might change depending on the specific structure of the regulatory or management regime.
B. Why Ecosystem Services?
The notion of “ecosystem services” has come into the policy making fore in recent years. [71] Simply speaking, ecosystem services are “the benefits people obtain from ecosystems.” [72] More broadly, ecosystem services are.
the conditions and processes through which natural ecosystems, and the species that make them up, sustain and fulfill human life. They maintain biodiversity and the production of ecosystem goods, such as seafood, forage timber, biomass fuels, natural fiber, and many pharmaceuticals, industrial products, and their precursors.” [73]
As these definitions suggest, ecosystem services more explicitly account for and reflect a human dimension than do other ecological criteria. [74] For example, a marine ecosystem’s ability to provide seafood is an ecosystem service that has implications for food security and fishermen’s livelihoods. Likewise, the ability of a wetland to buffer a coastal community from storm surges and flooding has a direct impact on the health, safety, and welfare of the community’s residents. This focused link between ecosystem health and human society reinforces the critical role that institutions, law, and policy play in environmental protection efforts, [75] and has led to calls for policy makers to “examine opportunities for using ecosystem service values in decision making[.]” [76]
To date, however, much of the discourse regarding ecosystem services remains theoretical. [77] Nevertheless, interest in ecosystem service-based decision making continues to grow, and.
[m]ajor players, from conservation groups to multinational corporations, are waking up to the idea that a focus on [ecosystem] services can enhance conservation and earn a competitive return on investment. Governments at the local, national and international levels are increasingly aware of the potential for an explicit focus on conserving ecosystem services and creating service markets. As never before, academic researchers face both the daunting responsibility and refreshing opportunity to examine how to move the theory of service market creation to practice. [78]
Moving toward an ecosystem service-based policy framework will require “[r]adical transformations . . . to move from conceptual frameworks and theory to practical integration of ecosystem services into decision making, in a way that is credible, replicable, scalable, and sustainable.” [79] Such a transition undoubtedly will be challenging, particularly because many ecosystem services are not easily quantified in monetary terms, nor are they explicitly accounted for through existing law and policy. [80] The emergence of CMSP, with its comprehensive, ecosystem-based approach to marine resource management, offers an opportunity for more intentional consideration of ecosystem services in decision making processes. Ecosystem service tradeoff analysis is one tool that can be used in CMSP and other venues to help move ecosystem service-based decision making from theory into reality.
C. Ecosystem Service Tradeoff Analysis: in General.
Ecosystem service tradeoff analysis has the potential to fill an important information gap, providing decision makers with a clear picture of the tradeoffs that flow from a given natural resource management strategy. [81] Without an ability to ascertain and evaluate such tradeoffs, decision makers may adopt a policy that, while furthering the provision of one ecosystem service, actually—and perhaps unexpectedly—hinders provision of another. [82] Intuition cannot always serve as a reliable guide in determining how a given policy will affect the distribution of ecosystem services across space and time. Parsing out just how Policy A might affect the provision of ecosystem services X and Y requires a more formal, multidisciplinary analysis. [83]
Decision making is all the more complex because policy makers oftentimes are not versed in all the disciplines relevant to an informed analysis. In many cases, scientists end up “playing policy analysts . . . leading inquiry about the linkages between scientific insights and the design of institutions for managing [those] systems.” [84] Unfortunately, just as policy makers often are not fluent in the language of science, scientists often are not fluent in the language of policy. [85] Tradeoff analysis can serve as a useful translation device, facilitating information flow between social and natural scientists and policy makers. A primary strength of this tool is that it can convey complex information in a clear, understandable manner, [86] and provide “a framework for thinking about ecosystem services across their ecological, geographic, economic, social, and legal dimensions[.]” [87] Armed with the knowledge gleaned from tradeoff analysis, policy makers can engage in a more informed, transparent decision making process. [88]
Tradeoff analysis allows decision makers to identify situations where tradeoffs among ecosystem services are unavoidable, as well as situations where win-win outcomes are possible. [89] It can also identify inefficient management options—situations where the provision of at least one ecosystem service can be increased at no cost to another. [90] The ready availability of this type of information will be invaluable as the United States moves toward spatial planning in the marine realm, illuminating the tradeoff bargains that will be struck as society allocates uses across ocean space. [91]
D. Ecosystem Service Tradeoff Analysis: the Process.
Ecosystem service tradeoff analysis graphically depicts the expected tradeoffs between any two (or more) ecosystem services of interest. [92] See Figure 1. While empirical data can be used to inform the tradeoff analysis, such data is not required; [93] neither is a common metric (e. g., dollars) a prerequisite for comparison. [94] This flexibility allows for direct comparison between socio-economic and ecological outputs of interest, [95] making it particularly useful for policy evaluation. Of course, the more accurately the points on the curve can be plotted, the more useful the tradeoff analysis will be as a policy-making tool. [96]
Figure 1. This figure depicts tradeoffs between two ecosystem services of interest. The outer boundary of the curve, or efficiency frontier, is a representation of the most efficient possible combinations of the analyzed ecosystem services given a fixed budget and specified legal, policy, regulatory, or management regime. All points falling inside the frontier are inefficient.
A tradeoff analysis plot’s axes correspond to the ecosystem services of interest, and the plotted coordinate pair points represent the outcome obtained from a given natural resource management strategy. The curve’s outer boundary is called an efficiency frontier; it represents the most efficient possible combinations of the analyzed ecosystem services given a fixed budget and specified law, policy, or management regime. [97] The curve’s shape represents how many units of Ecosystem Service 1 must be sacrificed to gain one additional unit of Ecosystem Service 2 (and vice versa). [98] While the efficiency frontier oftentimes is convex, it can have any number of possible shapes depending on the interaction between the ecosystem services of interest. [99] With convex curves, it is often possible to significantly increase the production of one ecosystem service without exacting much of a cost on the other. [100] For example, in Figure 1, we can move from point A to point B on the curve, substantially increasing provision of Ecosystem Service 1 without exacting much of a cost on Ecosystem Service 2 .
Points that fall along the efficiency frontier are all economically efficient. Exactly which point along the curve represents the “best” point (i. e., the “best” tradeoff among ecosystem services) is a societal value judgment. [101] Arriving at this societal judgment presents its own set of problems, [102] as consensus often is difficult to reach and societal value judgments tend to shift over time. [103] Political pressures and processes introduce additional layers of complexity. [104]
Despite these difficulties—and in many ways because of them—the information flowing from ecosystem service tradeoff analysis can provide valuable guidance to policy makers. For example, it would never be “best” to set a policy resulting in a point inside the efficiency frontier, such as point C in Figure 1. All points falling inside the frontier are inefficient; for those points, the provision of at least one ecosystem service can be improved at no cost to the other(s). [105] In Figure 1, it is possible to move from point C vertically to point B on the efficiency frontier, substantially increasing the provision of Ecosystem Service 2 while providing the same amount of Ecosystem Service 1 . It is likewise possible to move horizontally from point C to point D on the efficiency frontier, substantially increasing provision of Ecosystem Service 1 while retaining the same amount of Ecosystem Service 2 . Unfortunately, existing policies have led to inefficient outcomes in numerous, real-world resource management contexts. [106] Ecosystem service tradeoff analysis can help identify such regulatory bottlenecks to efficiency, illustrate how ecosystem service outcomes can be improved, and reduce stakeholder conflict by making at least one user group better off (and no group worse off). [107]
In addition to highlighting inefficient outcomes, ecosystem service tradeoff analysis can also identify how a change in policy might effect a more fundamental change to the efficiency frontier. In some cases, a law may shift the frontier or change its shape entirely. For example, if an appropriation bill increases the relevant budget, it may be possible to simultaneously increase the provision of two competing ecosystem services. [108] See Figure 2. Lant et al. report on this type of outward shift in the agricultural sector with the introduction of a Conservation Reserve Program. [109] By paying farmers to replace farming with conservation practices on wetlands, riparian buffer zones, and highly erodible areas, this Program simultaneously increased both farmers’ profits and soil conservation. [110] Conversely, decreasing a program budget might shift the frontier inwards or—in the extreme case where a program budget is zeroed out—eliminate an entire frontier. For example, on May 10, 2018, the U. S. House of Representatives passed appropriation legislation that would prohibit the funding of new catch share programs in a subset of federal fisheries. [111] If enacted, this legislation would effectively eliminate consideration of any and all efficiency frontiers made possible by catch share management for the affected fisheries. [112]
Figure 2. This figure shows how certain laws or policies, such as a law that increases a program budget, might shift the efficiency frontier outwards, making it possible to increase the provision of the ecosystem services of interest. Conversely, some policies might shift an efficiency frontier inwards, decreasing the provision of the ecosystem services of interest.
In other (less extreme) situations, instituting a new policy might simply eliminate certain points along a given efficiency frontier. For example, consider a case where the citizens of State Z are concerned about the tradeoff between the ecosystem services of fish biomass and fishery profit. To accommodate these concerns, the legislature of State Z passes a law requiring the maintenance of at least 30% of a fish stock’s biomass. Whereas prior to the law’s enactment, any of the points along the efficiency frontier would have been possible (assuming no other constraint came into play), the state’s new law would eliminate all points to the left of 30% biomass. See Figure 3. Interestingly, maintaining 30% biomass, while perhaps significant from a conservation perspective, would actually have very little impact on total fishery profit. Tradeoff analysis is a powerful tool for decision makers because it can clearly show how different laws, policies, or management strategies might affect the provision of ecosystem services. The remainder of the Article seeks to demonstrate this potential through an analysis of the ecosystem service tradeoffs flowing from various permutations on fishery management policy in California state waters.
Figure 3. This figure represents possible tradeoffs between the ecosystem services of fish biomass and fishery profit in the waters off of State Z. The vertical line at 30% biomass represents the “cutoff point” for a law that requires conservation of 30% biomass; upon enactment of such a law, all points in the shaded area to the left of that line (where less than 30% biomass would be maintained) are off the table. At the same time, maintaining 30% of the stock’s biomass has very little impact on fishery profit, as represented by the vertical blue arrow along the y - axis.
E. Ecosystem Service Tradeoff Analysis: the Model Fishery.
Wild fisheries, such as the southern California red sea urchin fishery, provide a host of ecosystem services to human beings. [113] Fisheries provide food, [114] a means of livelihood, [115] and opportunities for recreation. [116] They contribute to regional food webs, helping maintain ecosystem structure and function. [117] To individuals and populations, fish stocks provide countless opportunities for education and research. [118] They also provide what is known as pure “existence value,” the value people derive from simply knowing that these fish exist. [119] Both ecosystem services considered in the following red sea urchin model, fish biomass and fishery profit, are important to society and receive attention in state and federal law. For example, the federal Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (“MSA”) [120] seeks to balance these dual objectives, providing that:
management measures shall, consistent with the conservation requirements of this Act (including the prevention of overfishing and rebuilding of overfished stocks), take into account the importance of fishery resources to fishing communities by utilizing economic and social data . . . in order to (A) provide for the sustained participation of such communities, and (B) to the extent practicable, minimize adverse economic impacts on such communities. [121]
The California Fish and Game Code likewise recognizes the importance of both ecosystem services, requiring fishery management plans to both end overfishing and rebuild stocks, [122] as well as account for economic and social considerations. [123] Tradeoff analysis can help decision makers assess how well current management is performing with respect to these ecosystem service objectives, and evaluate how other management approaches might compare. To demonstrate this potential, the following tradeoff analysis explores how fishery management policy affects ecosystem service outcomes in the red sea urchin fishery in southern California.
Established approximately forty years ago, the commercial red sea urchin fishery is a relatively new fishery in southern California. [124] The fishery has become quite valuable over the past two decades, its rise driven largely by the Japanese export market. [125] Increased fishing pressure and several life history characteristics of the red sea urchin have acted in concert to affect urchin population status in southern California. Reproductive behavior is one life history characteristic of particular import. Sea urchins, like many marine invertebrates, reproduce via external fertilization. [126] Female urchins can spawn [127] several million eggs into the ocean environment at a time; [128] however, the probability of a successful fertilization event declines as urchin densities decrease. [129] If fishing (or some other pressure) reduces urchin densities below two urchins per square meter, fertilization success is known to be poor. [130] When fertilization does occur, urchin larvae disperse on ocean currents for forty to sixty days before settling. [131] This means that urchins produced in one region may settle in another; this “spillover” effect has implications for fishery management, as discussed in more detail below.
Under the current fishery management regime, divers harvest urchins in nearshore waters. [132] Fishery effort is regulated by several mechanisms, including seasonal closures, a minimum size limit, a restricted access program with a moratorium on the issuance of new permits, and an effort reduction scheme that mandates the retirement of ten permits for each new entrant into the fishery. [133] The California Department of Fish and Game, which oversees urchin fishery management, has found these regulations to be largely ineffective in reducing overall fishery effort; [134] it considers the southern California red sea urchin fishery to be fully exploited, and in some cases, overfished. [135] The Department has encouraged the investigation of “equitable, practicable and enforceable methods for reducing fishing capacity” to ensure the future viability of the urchin fishery. [136] TURFs represent one such method, and could prove effective for several reasons. First, adult urchins are relatively sedentary and prefer nearshore habitats, making them amenable to spatial management. [137] Second, a property rights-based management regime like TURFs can incentivize sustainable harvesting practices, thus accounting for the link between urchin density (insofar as low densities result from overfishing) and reproductive success. Finally, a properly designed TURF management framework can incorporate and account for the effects of larval dispersal on fishermen’s behavior. [138] The following model explores the notion of a red sea urchin TURF management regime in more detail, specifically considering how TURF policy might affect ecosystem service outcomes. Readers interested in a detailed description of the modeling methodology are directed to Appendix A, available at ajelp/wp-content/uploads/Carden. Appendix. pdf .
II. Results: Tradeoffs in the Urchin Fishery.
Broadly speaking, this analysis compares four scenarios: a baseline scenario, where a fleet of non-cooperative, individual fishermen compete for catch (“fleet model”); two permutations on a TURF policy, where exclusive spatial access rights are granted to fishermen; and “optimal” management. “Optimal” management is defined as the scenario that optimizes the spatial pattern of fishing effort in order to maximize fishery profit; this result is what one would expect under sole ownership or full cooperation in the fishery. [139] The word “optimal” is not to be confused with “best,” however. What is “best” from a societal value perspective may be entirely different than the “optimal” solution from an economic standpoint.
The two TURF policies considered in this model include one with revenue sharing and one without revenue sharing. Revenue sharing provides a mechanism by which fishermen can potentially increase revenues while conserving the harvested resource; the reasons for this are discussed in more detail below. Before proceeding further, it is necessary to clarify a potential point of confusion: the use of fishery profit as the relevant ecosystem service, versus the use of revenue sharing in the TURF Policies. Profit and revenue are related concepts, but they are not interchangeable. Profits, by definition, equal revenues minus costs. [140] If costs exceed revenues, profits are negative and fishing becomes a losing enterprise. At the end of the day, it is a fisherman’s profits that determine whether or not it makes economic sense for him to stay in the fishery. Thus, the ecosystem service of interest in the following model is fishery profit . However, the TURF policies considered in the model below consider the effects of revenue sharing (not profit sharing) on ecosystem service outcomes. Revenue sharing was chosen because it is, in some respects, a more realistic scenario than profit sharing. A fisherman’s revenues (i. e. , ex vessel receipts at the port of landing) can be readily quantified, collected, and redistributed. Quantifying and fairly apportioning costs (e. g. , maintenance, fuel, gear, labor)—which would be required to conduct profit sharing (recalling that profit is a function of revenue minus cost)—is more challenging, and cost sharing also requires a greater level of buy-in from the affected fishermen. At the same time, the effects of revenue sharing may have different behavioral implications than profit sharing; this difference is discussed infra Part III.
Ecosystem service tradeoff analysis enables us to see, at a glance, how four different management strategies affect the focal ecosystem services in this analysis: sea urchin biomass and fishery profit. In Figure 4, the x - axis depicts urchin biomass, and the y - axis represents fishery profit. The blue square represents the maximum possible fishery profit under the optimal management strategy (i. e. , the result expected under management by a sole owner or with full cooperation). Again, this “optimal” management strategy does not necessarily represent the “best” strategy from a societal standpoint, but rather the optimal strategy from an economic standpoint. The other management strategies’ economic outcomes are scaled relative to this value (which represents 100%).
Figure 4. This figure depicts the tradeoffs between red sea urchin biomass and fishery profit under several management regimes: optimal spatial management (blue square), a fleet model (black line), and TURF management with varying degrees of revenue sharing (green circle and line). Inter-TURF revenue sharing under the TURF policy ranges from 0% (TURF Policy 1) to 100%. Depending on the percentage of revenue sharing required under TURF Policy 2 (>0%-100%), any point along the green line could be obtained.
The black line in Figure 4 represents the tradeoffs between urchin biomass and fishery profit under the baseline situation with varying fishing effort levels. If total allowable fishing effort is set at zero (i. e. , fishing is banned), the ecosystem service of urchin biomass is maximized (i. e., 100% of total possible biomass) but profits are zero. As total allowable fishing effort increases, biomass remaining in the ocean decreases and fishery profits increase until the point where 53% of total possible urchin biomass remains. At this point, represented by the red triangle, the fleet is able to obtain 88% of the maximum profit possible under the optimal harvest strategy, although biomass remaining in the ocean is slightly lower than under the optimal strategy. Additional fishing beyond this point reduces urchin biomass and fishery profit as costs begin to exceed revenue. [141]
The two TURF Policies are represented by the dotted green line. See Figure 4. The percentage figures along that line indicate the percent of revenue sharing among fishermen. When TURF Policy 1 (no revenue sharing) is implemented, the green circular point obtains. At this point, total profit to the fishery falls below both the optimal management strategy’s maximum economic return and the fleet model’s maximum possible economic return. Biomass conservation is considerably lower at this point [142] than under optimal management, [143] and is also lower than biomass conserved at the fleet model’s maximum profit point. [144]
If the TURF Policy is modified to mandate revenue sharing (i. e., if TURF Policy 2 is implemented), the tradeoffs change. With increasing levels of revenue sharing, profits increase to the point denoted by the yellow star. [145] At this point, biomass conservation is approximately equal to [146] biomass conservation at the fleet model’s profit-maximizing harvest level, and total profits are higher than the fleet model (though both biomass conservation and profits still fall below those obtained by the optimal management strategy). Revenue sharing beyond this point leads to lower profits and less fishing.
As decision makers and natural resource managers seek to promote the sustainable use of living marine resources, policy options abound. Yet even a well-intentioned policy or management strategy can lead to unanticipated results if it is not crafted carefully. Tradeoff analysis can highlight how various ecosystem services stand to fare under different policy or management regimes. Take, for example, the sea urchin case presented in this article. Given that society values both fish biomass and fishery profit, which management option leads to the most socially desirable results? While the particular balance point is a societal value judgment, ecosystem service tradeoff analysis can paint a picture of the universe of options and can help policy makers determine (1) where current management falls along (or within) the efficiency frontier of a given management strategy, and (2) what policies might increase (or decrease) net societal welfare.
The model presented in this article compares how ecosystem service outcomes differ for several fishery management options for the southern California red sea urchin fishery. The optimal spatial management strategy, by definition, maximizes the ecosystem service of fishery profit. Of the four management strategies, the optimal strategy also results in the highest biomass level for the profit-maximizing point. [147] To achieve this economically optimal result, decision makers would have to enable either sole ownership of the urchin fishery (unlikely, for political, equitable, and legal reasons) [148] or its equivalent ( e. g. , full cooperation via a fishery cooperative). Cooperatives have been formed for a subset of fisheries in the United States, and one theoretically could be instituted for the southern California red urchin fishery – either on its own or in conjunction with a TURF regime. Cooperation could be achieved by other means as well, such as fishing by a tight-knit community, or fishing in a situation where the extent of larval dispersal is uncertain. Of the management options considered, implementing such cooperative strategies would result in delivery of the greatest overall “ecosystem service package,” i. e., the greatest combination of the ecosystem services of fishery profit and fish biomass.
The baseline management regime for the red sea urchin fishery in southern California, if optimally managed, [149] provides for 88% of the maximum profit possible under the optimal spatial harvest strategy, [150] and biomass conservation that is almost equivalent to that under the optimal strategy. Points to the right of the red triangle along the efficiency frontier perform increasingly better from a conservation perspective, and increasingly worse from a profit standpoint. Decision makers would never want to mandate a fishing effort level that pushes biomass to the left of the red triangle because for each such point, an equivalent profit level could be attained while preserving more biomass. [151]
Now that we can see graphically how the baseline situation fares, we can consider whether policy makers might want to upset the status quo and facilitate TURF management. And, more importantly, we can consider how they should structure TURF management so as to enhance overall ecosystem service provision. As noted above, if a TURF regime was implemented in conjunction with a fishery cooperative, effectively unitizing ownership of the resource, [152] it should be possible to achieve the economically optimal result. If cooperative management is not socially or politically desirable, TURF management with individual tenure could still be instituted in a variety of ways, including the two variations on TURF policy considered herein.
TURF Policy 1, which permits TURFs generally but does not allow revenue sharing, should never be chosen by policy makers over the status quo. [153] While it is true that TURF Policy 1 (green circle) results in higher profits than baseline management for an equivalent level of harvest, this profit level and the biomass remaining are both lower than that obtained under an optimally managed fleet (red triangle). This result is not ideal from either a profit or a conservation standpoint, and it is difficult to conceive of a circumstance where society would seek to attain this outcome. Given that rights-based approaches to fishery management like TURFs are supposed to incentivize stewardship behavior, why does this result ensue? It is likely that each TURF-holder is overharvesting within his own TURF. [154] Because TURFs are connected by larval dispersal (i. e., because fish larvae drift or disperse from one TURF to another), a TURF-holder is not able to capture or internalize all the benefits or positive externalities [155] of his stewardship behavior. [156] The “spillover” of larvae thus leads fishermen to overharvest the resource. [157]
The introduction of revenue sharing [158] in TURF Policy 2 counters this overexploitation tendency to a certain point. As revenue sharing increases, fishermen are able to obtain up to 96% of the profits obtainable under optimal spatial management and retain a biomass level that—while slightly lower than the optimal strategy—is approximately equivalent to that attained at baseline management’s profit-maximizing point. With revenue sharing, spillover of fish from one TURF to another no longer represents an unmitigated loss. Instead, some of the value of that fugitive resource will be recovered in future years via the revenue-sharing mechanism. Consequently, a TURF-holder can increase his profits while harvesting less than he would in a non-revenue-sharing world. [159]
At the same time, even a revenue-sharing TURF Policy never quite reaches the maximum possible profit level (i. e., the blue square). This is because the revenue-sharing arrangement does not account for all of the economic factors affecting the fishermen’s decision-making processes (e. g., costs); the fishermen are still acting to further their individual interest, and thus cannot reap all the financial benefits that would flow from genuine cooperation. Another indication of the fishermen’s fundamentally selfish behavior is that, as revenue sharing exceeds the 55% level, fishermen begin to fish less because fishing becomes increasingly unprofitable. If fishermen are required to share most or all of their revenues, but at the same time are forced to internalize all of their own costs, they will begin to harvest less biomass than they might otherwise seek in order to keep costs down. In the extreme case (i. e., 100% revenue sharing), it becomes unprofitable for a TURF-holder to fish at all. One way to address this particular shortcoming would be to mandate profit sharing, which would require cost sharing as well as revenue sharing. [160] It seems reasonable to conclude that a profit-sharing TURF Policy frontier would approach, and perhaps even terminate at, the profit-maximizing point (blue square). However, we cannot say this for certain until we run the profit-sharing option through the tradeoff analysis model.
Actually running policy options through a tradeoff analysis model can provide decision makers with valuable insights that might not otherwise be obvious. As this article has made clear, ecosystem service outcomes are not always intuitive. For example, a decision maker who believes wholeheartedly in catch share management might not have expected TURF Policy 1 to actually reduce both fish biomass and fishery profit outcomes as compared to an optimally managed fleet. Likewise, those in the United States House of Representatives who are pushing for an effective moratorium on new catch share systems might be surprised to find that both fishery profit and fish populations fare better under certain TURF management regimes than under the status quo. But therein lies the true value and tremendous potential of ecosystem service tradeoff analysis as a policy-making tool. By providing decision makers with a clear and straightforward picture of the tradeoffs flowing from different management strategies, ecosystem service tradeoff analysis can enable more informed, transparent decision-making processes.
While ecosystem service tradeoff analysis holds much potential, and while the example presented in this article provides some interesting results, it is important to note the limitations of the model system presented herein. The urchin analysis presented in this article looked at one fishery in one region; results for other fisheries or other regions might differ. [161] In addition, per existing federal and state legislative mandates, harvest levels must not constitute overfishing. [162] This model did not expressly evaluate where along the biomass continuum the overfishing tipping point occurs. A point along the efficiency frontier that might otherwise appear to provide a good package of ecosystem services might not be viable if the corresponding harvest level results in overfishing. Further, this model only looked at two ecosystem services; it did not consider other societally relevant ecosystem service effects (e. g., habitat protection) that might flow from the implementation of any of these management strategies, [163] although ecosystem service tradeoff analysis is capable of delivering multidimensional models. [164] Thus, while ecosystem service tradeoff analysis has great potential to help inform natural resource decision-making processes like CMSP, the models must be carefully designed for their intended purpose and their limitations must be recognized.
In the ecosystem services literature, authors have asked many pertinent and pointed questions, such as: “how might we use laws to protect ecosystem services?” [165] “Do environmental and resource management laws help or hinder efforts to make ecosystem service provision an integral part of a landscape [or seascape] conservation plan?” [166] “[H]ow do we get from the economics and the science to the law?” [167] The goal of this article has been to show that ecosystem service tradeoff analysis is a workable and useful tool that can help answer these types of questions, integrate science and economics into policy and law, and shed light on the ways in which policy changes might affect the provision of ecosystem services. Tradeoff analysis does not reveal to policy makers the “best” solution to resource allocation decisions. That determination is, and always will be, a societal value judgment. Tradeoff analysis can, however, illuminate the potential costs and benefits of a proposed law, regulation, or policy. It can show, in a clear and understandable manner, what tradeoffs exist between various ecosystem services of interest under different policies, whether current management regimes are inefficient, and whether and where it is possible to “expand the pie” and reduce stakeholder conflict by tweaking the regulatory regime. [168]
The analysis presented in this article demonstrates that even within a broad policy regime (e. g., fishery management), nuances in how a policy is crafted (e. g., TURFs with revenue sharing versus without) can have a large impact on ecosystem service outcomes. Tradeoff analysis can highlight, in a straightforward and direct manner, how the nuances of a proposed policy can affect the interplay among ecosystem services of interest – sometimes in counterintuitive ways. For example, in the red urchin fishery model described herein, simply instituting TURF management instead of a fleet model did not, in and of itself, enhance net societal benefits (as might be expected given the widespread perception that catch shares promote sustainable fisheries). Instead, it was the requirement that TURF-holders share a limited percentage of their revenues that enhanced ecosystem service outcomes. [169] Requiring profit sharing might increase the overall package of societal benefits even more; exploring other policy avenues such as profit sharing would be an interesting and worthwhile future endeavor. In every analysis, the more policy options considered, the more informed the ultimate decision.
By facilitating a more informed dialogue, tradeoff analysis can “take the discussion of ecosystem services out of the ‘easy frame of mind’ and push it to the next level, at which serious and detailed law and policy implementation frameworks can be designed, tested, and implemented.” [170] This approach has extraordinary potential for use by policy makers, legal scholars and practitioners, natural resource managers, and advocacy organizations above and beyond its traditional use by ecologists and economists. Tradeoff analysis can highlight how societally valuable ecosystem services fare under different institutional, regulatory, and legal regimes. The clear, transparent process that undergirds tradeoff analysis thus enables more effective communication of resource decision making rationales (ecological, economic, and social) to affected stakeholders and to the public at large. [171]
By clearly depicting how ecosystem service tradeoffs manifest under different regulatory or management regimes, tradeoff analysis can serve as a catalyst for policy overhaul. Unless and until the costs of the regulatory status quo can be clearly identified, it is easy for decision makers to either succumb to inertia and become complacent, or punt on potentially controversial policy changes. [172] CMSP provides a platform for decision makers to effect real change in marine resource management, and ecosystem service tradeoff analysis is a tool that can be used in that planning process to facilitate and encourage more informed decision making. [173] What’s more, resource management agencies already collect and have access to much of the data needed to perform such analyses. In sum, ecosystem service tradeoff analysis represents one of the most powerful tools we have to facilitate the transition to CMSP and comprehensive, ecosystem-based natural resource management.
a J. D., Ph. D., Associate Attorney, Earthjustice, Bozeman, Montana.
b Project Scientist, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara.
c Dean, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara.
d Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara.
e Assistant Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara.
[1]. See generally Interagency Ocean Pol’y Task Force, White House Council on Envtl. Quality, Final Recommendations of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force (2018); Nat’l Ocean Council, National Ocean Policy (2018), available at whitehouse. gov/ administration/eop/oceans/policy (last visited Nov. 26, 2018) [hereinafter Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force Report ]; Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes, Exec. Order No. 13,547, 75 Fed. ريج. 43,023 (July 19, 2018), available at whitehouse. gov/the-press-office/executive-order-stewardship-ocean-our-coasts-and-great-lakes (last visited Nov. 26, 2018), 75 Fed. ريج. 43023, 43023 (July 22, 2018), available at edocket. access. gpo. gov/2018/pdf/2018-18169.pdf (last visited Nov. 26, 2018) (“ establish[ing] a national policy to ensure the protection, maintenance, and restoration of the health of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems and resources, enhance the sustainability of ocean and coastal economies, preserve our maritime heritage, support sustainable uses and access, provide for adaptive management to enhance our understanding of and capacity to respond to climate change and ocean acidification, and coordinate with our national security and foreign policy interests” ) [hereinafter E. O. 13547].
[2]. See generally id. See also Oran R. Young et al., Solving the Crisis in Ocean Governance: Place-Based Management of Marine Ecosystems , 49 Envt. Science & Pol’y for Sustainable Solutions 20, 22 (2018) (noting “a growing awareness [of] the escalating crisis is marine ecosystems—from biodiversity losses to marine pollution and warming waters”); Mary Turnipseed et al., Legal Bedrock for Rebuilding America’s Ocean Ecosystems , 324 Science 183 (2009) (“[w]ith new leadership in place in Washington, U. S. ocean policy is poised for a long-overdue transformation.”).
[3]. See generally Boris Worm et al., Rebuilding Global Fisheries , 325 Science 578 (2009) (discussing overfishing problem); See also James A. Bohnsack & Jerald S. Ault, Management Strategies to Conserve Marine Biodiversity , 9 Oceanography 73 (1996) (discussing overfishing and habitat destruction).
[4]. See generally Scott C. Doney et al., Ocean Acidification: The Other CO2 Problem , 1 Ann. Rev. Marine Sci. 169 (2009); James C. Orr et al., Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification Over the Twenty-First Century and Its Impact on Calcifying Organisms , 437 Nature 681 (2005).
[6]. Young et al., supra note 2 , at 22 (“[t]here is a growing awareness that the escalating crisis is marine ecosystems - from biodiversity losses to marine pollution and warming waters - is in large part a failure of governance. Problems arise from fragmentation in the governance systems used to manage specific human uses of marine resources, together with spatial and temporal mismatches between biophysical systems and the rights, rules, and decision making processes created to manage human interactions with these systems.”); Larry Crowder & Elliot Norse, Essential Ecological Insights for Marine Ecosystem-Based Management and Marine Spatial Planning , 32 Marine Pol’y 772 (2008).
[7]. See , e. g. , Christopher Costello et al., Can Catch Shares Prevent Fisheries Collapse? , 321 Science 1678 (2008) (discussing competition for scarce fishery resources); Crowder & Norse, supra note 6 (discussing the need to manage competing human uses and conservation across ocean space).
[8]. إكسيك. طلب. No. 13547, 75 Fed. ريج. 43023 at 43024, 43026 (2018). In the United States, federal waters extend from three nautical miles (three marine leagues in the Gulf of Mexico) to 200 nautical miles from shore. U. S. Comm’n on Ocean Pol’y, An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century 98 (2004), available at oceancommission. gov; Submerged Lands Act, 43 U. S.C. § 1301(b) (2002). Some states have begun implementing CMSP in state waters. See, e. g. , Massachusetts Ocean Mgm’t Plan (2009), available at mass. gov/ (last visited Nov. 26, 2018). State waters extend from the high tide line to three nautical miles (three marine leagues in the Gulf of Mexico) offshore. 43 U. S.C. § 1301(b); Cal. Pub. احتياط Code § 36108.
[9]. The comprehensive nature of CMSP differentiates it from traditional, single-sector natural resource management. See Sarah E. Lester et al., Ecosystem Service Trade-Off Analysis 6 (2018) (unpublished manuscript, on file with author) (“[m]anagement in the oceans . . . tends to be particularly fragmented, with limited governance or institutional frameworks for spatial management and coordinated management across sectors.”).
[10]. See J. B. Ruhl et al., The Law and Policy of Ecosystem Services 284 (2007), citing Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Synthesis 94 (2005) [hereinafter MEA Synthesis] (calling for the “[d]evelopment of institutional frameworks that promote a shift from highly sectoral resource management approaches to more integrated approaches”); Christopher L. Lant et al., Using GIS-Based Ecological-Economic Modeling to Evaluate Policies Affecting Agricultural Watersheds , 55 Ecological Econ. 467, 481 (2005) (describing the importance of integrated, cross-sectoral policy in an agricultural context).
[12]. Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force Report, supra note 1, at 41.
[13]. In this article, the term “decision makers” encompasses those individuals and groups with the power to make decisions affecting natural resource management, including (but not limited to) lawmakers, policy makers, natural resource managers, and the public (via public processes). The term is context-dependent, and could include one or a combination of these groups depending on the circumstances.
[14]. Users include, for example, fishermen, oil and gas exploration and production companies, renewable energy developers, and marine mammal ecotourism outfits. CMSP’s ecosystem-based focus allows for an express consideration of the interactions among these stakeholders’ uses. See Lester et al., supra note 9, at 4 (Ecosystem based management “recognizes the need to account for the cumulative impacts of human activities and the connections and feedbacks within and among the social and ecological components of the system, in contrast to management approaches that focus on a single species, sector, or human activity.”).
[15]. CMSP seeks to “align economic forces with conservation, and . . . explicitly link human and environmental well-being.” Daily & Matson, supra note 11, at 9455. See also Per Olsson et al., Navigating the Transition to Ecosystem-Based Management of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia , 105 Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. 9489, 9489 (2008) (“ecosystem-based management of marine resources . . . address[es] the mismatch between social systems and ecosystem dynamics”); id. at 9489 (calling attention to the “urgent need to identify strategies that have enabled transitions in management from a conventional focus on a single resource or habitat to large-scale ecosystem-based management”). The shift to ecosystem-based CMSP parallels a similar trend in terrestrial resource management. See, e. g., Lant et al., supra note 10, at 468 (“the scale of management . . . is increasingly at the landscape and watershed scale”); Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 249 (discussing the development of a “fully integrated decision-making framework for natural resources”).
[16]. See Lant et al., supra note 10, at 468 (“Ecosystem services . . . are increasingly recognized as essential to society and of great economic value.”).
[17]. See Olsson et al., supra note 15, at 9489 (stating that historically, “[d]ifferent disciplines have studied pieces of the puzzle, for example, organizational and institutional aspects, but have rarely analyzed broader social-ecological dynamics”); Stephen R. Carpenter et al., Science for Managing Ecosystem Services: Beyond the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment , 106 Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. 1305, 1305 (2009) (stating that in the field of sustainability science, “[r]esearch topics transcend the issues of traditional academic disciplines and focus instead on complex interactions of people and nature” and that “demand from the policy community for this information is expanding”).
[18]. Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force Report, supra note 1, at 41. See also Sara Curran et al., Interactions Between Coastal and Marine Ecosystems and Human Population Systems: Perspectives on How Consumption Mediates this Interaction, 31 Ambio 264 (2002) (“Besides providing ecosystem services, coastal ecosystems as sites for human economic development put in sharp relief competing human demands for multiple, and not always compatible, uses.”); Stephen Polasky et al., Where to Put Things? Spatial Land Management to Sustain Biodiversity and Economic Returns , 141 Biological Conservation 1505, 1506 (2008) (“By thinking carefully about the pattern, extent, and intensity of human activities across the landscape, it may be possible to achieve important biodiversity conservation objectives while also generating reasonable economic returns.”).
[19]. See, e. g., Heather Tallis et al., An Ecosystem Services Framework to Support Both Practical Conservation and Economic Development , 105 Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. 9457, 9464 (2008) (“Different ecosystem services will respond on different temporal and spatial scales, and efforts to track interactions will have to anticipate these different scales.”); Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 260 (“Models employed for purposes of decision making about natural capital and ecosystem services must be integrated between resource and human systems and between spatial and temporal scales.”); id. at 48 (“Scales of study implicate[ ] not only ecosystem scales but also social, political, and economic scales . . . [T]he adoption of a particular scale for articulation of ecosystem service values dictates the type of problems likely to be identified and addressed, the range of policy options that can be considered, and the distribution of ecosystem services among the population”).
[20]. Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force Report, supra note 1, at 43. See also Polasky et al . , supra note 18, at 1507 (referring to “tradeoffs between biodiversity conservation and economic returns”). Note that “[s]ome of the tradeoff challenges of ecosystem services policy formulation will be mooted or amplified depending on [sector-specific] legal constraints[.]” J. B. Ruhl, Ecosystem Services and Federal Public Lands: Start-Up Policy Questions and Research Needs, 20 Duke Envtl. L. & Pol’y F. 275, 285 (2018).
[21]. See Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 10 (noting that in the ecosystem services context, “[t]rade-offs are inevitable”); id. at 34 (“Managing for one ecosystem service . . . has inevitable trade-off impacts for other ecosystem services” and that “the ecology of ecosystem services must focus on trade-offs and synergies of many kinds and scales”); Lester et al., supra note 9, at 5 (“[S]ociety must make decisions about trade-offs among ecosystem services.”).
[22]. See Trevor A. Branch et al., Fleet Dynamics and Fishermen Behavior: Lessons for Fisheries Managers , 63 Can. J. Fisheries & Aquatic Sci. 1647, 1648 (2006) (“There are few formal discussions of the tradeoffs needed between different objectives in fisheries management.”); Lester et al., supra note 9, at 3 (noting that “[c]urrently such trade-offs are made implicitly or with little forethought[,]” and citing the need to “develop[ ] rigorous yet practical approaches for balancing the costs and benefits of diverse human uses of ecosystems”); Polasky et al., supra note 18, at 1521 (“There are few prior examples of multi-species conservation planning that integrate a formal mathematical basis with principles of decision theory.”).
[23]. Carpenter et al., supra note 17, at 1308 (“Making these tradeoffs explicit is a core function of ecosystem assessments. Economic analysis is often used to quantify tradeoffs.”).
[24]. See generally Crow White et al., Ecosystem Service Tradeoff Analysis Reveals the Value of Marine Spatial Planning for Multiple Ocean Uses , 109 Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. 4696 (2018). Tradeoff analysis can show, in a relatively simple manner, how natural resource use “decisions produce important economic and ecological outputs[.]” Lant et al., supra note 10, at 471. Another tool used in this type of analysis is “spatial decision support systems” (SDSS). See generally id .; id. at 472-73 (“SDSS’s [sic] can aid watershed planning activities by estimating the effects of different alternative policies on economic performance and ecosystem services produced by the watershed.”). The Natural Capital Project also “seeks to develop tools that capture the value of ecosystem services in decision-making, further integrate the consideration of ecosystem services in the policy process, and demonstrate how this can and should be done in practice.” J. B. Ruhl & James Salzman, The Law and Policy Beginnings of Ecosystem Services , 22 J. Land Use & Envtl. L. 157, 163 (2007). Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) “consists of a suite of models that use [land-use/land-cover (LU/LC)] patterns to estimate levels and economic values of ecosystem services, biodiversity conservation, and the market value of commodities provided by the landscape.” Erik Nelson et al., Modeling Multiple Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity Conservation, Commodity Production, and Tradeoffs at Landscape Scales , 7 Frontiers in Ecology & Env’t 4, 5 (2009). See also Tallis et al., supra note 19, at 9462 fig. 4 caption (“Tradeoff flowers’ depict[ ] alternative scenarios for ecotourism projects aimed at biodiversity protection and economic growth.”).
[25]. Lester et al., supra note 9, at 3 (describing ecosystem service tradeoff analysis as “a conceptual framework, building on decision theory and economics, [that] explicitly examine[s] real and perceived trade-offs among multiple ecosystem services”).
[26]. See generally White et al., supra note 24. See also Polasky et al., supra note 18, at 1506 (using a model for the Willamette Valley, Oregon, that “integrate[s] spatially explicit biological and economic models to analyze the consequences of alternative land-use decisions for both biodiversity conservation and economic objectives”); Erik Nelson et al., Efficiency of Incentives to Jointly Increase Carbon Sequestration and Species Conservation on a Landscape , 105 Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. 9471, 9474 (2008) (“combin[ing] a model that predicts land-use decisions by multiple private landowners with models that predict the consequences of these decisions on the provision of an ecosystem service and on biodiversity conservation”); James Salzman, A Field of Green? The Past and Future of Ecosystem Services , 21 J. Land Use & Envtl. L. 133, 147 (2006) (commenting on “a significant increase in scientific research examining the relationship between biodiversity, on the one hand, and the relative intensity and nature of land use, on the other”). For examples of papers looking at conservation tradeoffs in the forestry context, see, e. g., David E. Calkin et al., Developing a Production Possibility Set of Wildlife Species Persistence and Timber Harvest Value , 32 Can. J. Forest Research 1329 (2002); Darek J. Nalle et al., Modeling Joint Production of Wildlife and Timber , 48 J. Envtl. Econ. & Mgmt. 997 (2004); Mark E. Lichtenstein & Claire A. Montgomery, Biodiversity and Timber in the Coast Range of Oregon: Inside the Production Possibility Frontier , 79 Land Econ. 56 (2003). See also Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 24 (“Researchers in both fields [(i. e., ecology and economics)] . . . have begun to bridge the gap, to fill in the very large hole of knowledge surrounding how ecologically important ecosystem attributes are economically valuable services to humans.”) (emphasis in original).
[27]. As J. B. Ruhl has recognized, it is “important for law to work closely with economics, ecology, geography, and other relevant disciplines . . . to understand where they had taken the theoretical research and practical applications . . . [and] ensure that those disciplines in turn appreciate the nature and limits of legal institutions and instruments.” Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at x. هوية شخصية . at 83 (commenting that “[i]t is essential … that economists team with ecologists to inform society of the marginal value of ecosystem services”); Tallis et al., supra note 19, at 9463-64 (citing the need for “[t]he natural science, social science, and practitioner communities jointly . . . to establish a standard set of measures and approaches for quantifying and monitoring ecosystem service levels and values”).
[28]. Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 9 (“The component [of the ecosystem service discussion] that is least developed in the literature on ecosystem services is the law , particularly as it relates to property rights and governance institutions.”) (emphasis in original); Carpenter et al., supra note 17, at 1305 (noting the need to identify “new possibilities for measuring and projecting the effects of policy choices and human actions on the structure and processes of ecosystems, the services they provide, and human well-being”). In other words, tradeoff analysis can be used in settings where “scientific inquiry and practical application are commingled” to “synthesize what [is] known about sustainability science in policy-relevant ways.” Id . See also id . at 1309 (referring to the “problem-solving aspects of social-ecological research”).
[29]. Carpenter et al., supra note 17, at 1309 (Tradeoff analysis seeks “to quantify and determine the value of services, insofar as possible”).
[30]. In this article, the Authors use the terms law, regulation, policy, and management strategy rather loosely and interchangeably, albeit with an acceptance and understanding of the technical differences between these instruments and the bodies by which the instruments are made (e. g. , federal and state legislatures, local governmental bodies, administrative agencies, courts). They are all meant to refer to instruments that permit, prescribe, or encourage a particular course of action in the natural resources realm.
[31]. See Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 258 (stating that “[t]he purpose of building an integrated model . . . is to evaluate different policy options” and that “[a] reliable integrated model … would allow [decision makers] to evaluate how implementing these options or combinations thereof would affect the relevant resource and human systems”); Carpenter et al., supra note 17, at 1307 (“Explicit models of coupled social-ecological systems are essential for research, synthesis, and projection of the consequences of management actions”). In so doing, tradeoff analysis can “begin to organize an analysis of how attributes of ( i ) a resource system (e. g., fishery . . . ), ( ii ) the resource units generated by that system (e. g. , fish . . . ), ( iii ) the users of that system, and ( iv ) the governance system jointly affect and are indirectly affected by interactions and resulting outcomes achieved at a particular time and place.” Elinor Ostrom, A Diagnostic Approach for Going Beyond Panaceas , 104 Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. 15181, 15182 (2007). See also id. (stating that such “framework[s may] also enable [ . . . ] one to organize how these attributes may affect and be affected by the larger socioeconomic, political, and ecological settings in which they are embedded, as well as smaller ones”).
[32]. Indeed, there is unlikely to be one policy panacea for sustainable fisheries management. See Ostrom, supra note 31, at 15181 (“call[ing] attention to perverse and extensive uses of policy panaceas in misguided efforts to make social-ecological systems (SESs), also called human-environment systems, sustainable over time”); Carpenter et al., supra note 17, at 1311 (“[E]vidence suggests that success and failure are context-specific and that no policy or practice is a panacea.”).
[33]. See, e. g., sources cited supra note 26.
[34]. See Lester et al., supra note 9, at 8 (stating that ecosystem service tradeoff analysis is a “means for evaluating and making more informed management decisions about real and perceived trade-offs among ecosystem services”); id. at 11 (“[T]he shape of the frontier can inform what the optimal management solution(s) is likely to be, narrowing the scope of potential policy decisions available.”); Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 259 (“[T]o the extent that improved . . . information mean[s] that natural capital and ecosystem service values are more fully integrated into our market economy, overall social welfare cannot help but rise, as resource owners and resource users would make more informed decisions about what is the most economically efficient investment when the values of natural capital and ecosystem services are included”); Nelson et al., supra note 26, at 9475 (“[P]resenting decision-makers with tradeoffs among ends provides information regarding the opportunity cost of achieving particular environmental goods and, hence, a measure of the minimum value that those environmental goods must possess for a particular policy to achieve a net gain in social welfare.”).
[35]. In the ecological and economic sciences, “models are used to clarify spatial boundaries of systems, units of analysis, time horizons, inputs and drivers, key components of the system and their relationships, and outputs.” Carpenter et al., supra note 17, at 1307. Models can compare “the degree of change in each indicator relative to the reference case (no action taken) . . . for one or more levels of intervention.” R. J. Scholes & G. P. von Maltitz, Quantifying Tradeoffs Between Sustainable Land Management, Global Environmental Concerns and Local Socio-Economic Impacts 16 (2006).
[36]. Katrina M. Wyman, The Property Rights Challenge in Marine Fisheries , 50 Ariz. L. Rev. 511, 516-17 (2008). See also Worm et al., supra note 3 (discussing the use of various fishing management techniques); J. R. Beddington et al., Current Problems in the Management of Marine Fisheries , 316 Science 1713, 1713-14 (2007); Branch et al., supra note 22, at 1653-56; Ray Hilborn et al., Institutions, Incentives and the Future of Fisheries , 360 Phil. Transactions Royal Soc’y Series B 47 (2005) (discussing different fishery management strategies and their successes and failures). See also Ragnar Arnason, Theoretical and Practical Fishery Management, in Managing Fishery Resources, World Bank Disc. Papers 217, at 3-10 (E. A. Loyayza ed., 1994), available at innri. unuftp. is/fppreadings/ arnason_r_1994-b. pdf; Jonathan M. Karpoff, Suboptimal Controls in Common Resource Management , 95 J. Pol. Econ. 179 (1987) (discussing season closure and capital constraints).
[37]. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) defines the TAC as “the total regulated catch from a stock in a given time period, usually a year.” NOAA Northeast Fisheries Sci. Ctr., Status of Fishery Resources off the Northeastern US‑Introduction, nefsc. noaa. gov/sos/intro/. TACs that, when reached, result in the closure of a fishery are called “hard TACs.” See, e. g., 50 C. F.R. § 648.87(b)(vi) (stating that for Fisheries of the Northeastern United States, “[o]nce a hard TAC allocated to a Sector is projected to be exceeded, Sector operations will be terminated for the remainder of the fishing year”); 50 C. F.R. § 679.20(d)(2) (setting hard TACs for Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea/Aleutian Island commercial groundfish fisheries).
[38]. Costello et al., supra note 7, at 1679. See also Pamela B. Baker et al., Managing the Gulf of Mexico Commercial Red Snapper Fishery 11 (1998), available at cleartheair. edf/ documents/550_RedSnapper. PDF (“ Under derby conditions, [ . . . ] fishers are encouraged to harvest fish as quickly as possible to maximize their share of the quota before it is filled and the season closed. ”).
[39]. See Press Release, U. S. Dep’t of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries in 2009 – Preliminary Results (Aug. 19, 2018) (finding that fishers and other fishery workers had the highest fatal work injury rate in 2009); Envtl. Def. Fund, Fishing Safety Fact Sheet (citing the above census and stating that the “‘race for fish’ created a negative trend in safety as captains became more willing to risk crew safety by fishing in adverse weather and water conditions in order to maximize catches during limited days at sea”) (on file with Author); David R. Griffith, The Ecological Implications of Individual Fishing Quotas and Harvest Cooperatives , 6 Frontiers in Ecology & Env’t 191, 191-92 (2008) (discussing safety implications of the race to fish).
[40]. Overcapitalization occurs when “harvesting capacity [ . . . ] increase[s] beyond that which will be required to take the TAC.” Dominique Gréboval & Gordon Munro, Overcapitalization and Excess Capacity in World Fisheries: Underlying Economics and Methods of Control , in Managing Fishing Capacity: Selected Papers on Underlying Concepts and Issues, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 386 (Dominique Gréboval ed., 1999), available at fao /DOCREP/003/X2250E/ x2250e03.htm.
[41]. See Costello et al., supra note 7, at 1679 (“This race can lead to poor stewardship and lobbying for ever-larger harvest quotas, creating a spiral of reduced stocks, excessive harvests, and eventual collapse.”).
[42]. Commercial extinction occurs when “it is no longer economically viable to harvest” a species or stock. Michael L. McKinney & Robert M. Schoch, Environmental Science Systems and Solutions 323 (3d ed. 2003). Overfishing can also lead to ecological extinction, when “overfished populations no longer interact significantly with other species in the community.” Jeremy B. C. Jackson et al., Historical Overfishing and the Recent Collapse of Coastal Ecosystems , 293 Science 629 (2001).
[43]. Branch et al., supra note 22, at 1648 (citing F. T. Christy, Economic Waste in Fisheries: Impediments to Change and Conditions for Improvement, in Am. Fisheries Soc’y Symp., Global Trends: Fisheries Management (E. K. Pikitch et al. eds., 1997)) (estimating waste of $2.9 billion annually).
[44]. Wyman, supra note 36, at 527 (“[Economists] have tended to prescribe private property rights for wild fisheries, such as territorial use rights, or proxies for private rights, such as cooperatives or [individual transferable quotas (ITQs)].”); Shankar Aswani, Customary Sea Tenure in Oceania as a Case of Rights-Based Fishery Management: Does it Work? , 15 Rev. in Fish Biology & Fisheries 285, 286 (2005) (same); Gail Osherenko, New Discourses on Ocean Governance: Understanding Property Rights and the Public Trust , 21 J. Envtl. L. & Litig. 317, 325 (2006) (same); see Rod Fujita & Kate Bonzon, Rights-Based Fisheries Management: an Environmentalist Perspective , 15 Rev. in Fish Biology & Fisheries 309 (2005) (discussing the intersection between rights-based fisheries management and incentive structures); Christopher J. Costello & Daniel Kaffine, Natural Resource Use with Limited Tenure Property Rights , 55 J. Envtl. Econ. & Mgmt. 20, 20 (2008) (“The ability of property rights to help correct resource overexploitation is increasingly being appreciated in policy circles.”); id. at 22 (discussing how secure property rights promote investment); But see Amy Sinden, The Tragedy of the Commons and the Myth of a Private Property Solution , 78 U. Colo. L. Rev. 533, 538 (2007) (“It is only under a very limited and idealized set of circumstances that the delineation of property rights and/or the creation of markets can actually solve the tragedy . . .”).
[45]. See Costello et al., supra note 7 at 1679 (“[C]atch shares . . . can be manifest as individual (and tradable) harvest quotas, cooperatives, or exclusive spatial harvest rights; the idea is to provide - to fishermen, communities, or cooperatives - a secure asset, which confers stewardship incentives.”); 16 U. S.C. § 1853a (the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act’s (“MSA”) LAPP provision).
[46]. See generally Branch et al., supra note 22, at 1656-59 (Group allocations typically go to cooperatives or communities).
[47]. See Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 64 (commenting that rights-based or market-based resource allocation programs “work [ . . . ] best when the goods and services being traded are [ . . . ] ‘excludable’” so that “sellers can control their distribution and deny access”).
[48]. See, e. g., 16 U. S.C. § 1802(16)(A) (2007). See also Branch et al., supra note 22, at 1657.
[49]. Costello et al., supra note 7, at 1679 (stating that catch shares “work by allocating a dedicated share of the scientifically determined total catch to fishermen, communities, or cooperatives. This provides a stewardship incentive; as the fishery is better managed, the value of the shares increases”).
[50]. See Trevor A. Branch, How Do Individual Transferable Quotas Affect Marine Ecosystems? , 10 Fish & Fisheries 39, 50-52 (2009) (discussing effects of IFQs on habitat, and noting that in the “ Aitutaki trochus fishery[,] . . . the reef was damaged during the competitive race for the TAC, and this halted under ITQs”); Donald R. Leal et al., The Ecological Role of IFQs in U. S. Fisheries: A Guide for Federal Policy Makers 8 (2005), ifqsforfisheries /pdf/pr_ifq_ecology. pdf (“ Another crucial ecological role for IFQs is in reducing fleet excesses and their environmental impacts[,] ” including habitat damage.). Wyman, supra note 36, at 527 (“[P]roperty rights should reduce the need fishers currently have to race for the fish[.] [ . . . ]Fishers with property rights such as territorial use rights or individual transferable quotas also might become more focused on conserving fish stocks and less likely to pressure regulators to increase total allowable catches because fishers will internalize the benefits of improved stewardship”).
[51]. Per economic theory, providing fishermen with a more encompassing property interest in the fishery should eliminate the race to fish and foster stewardship behavior, because “fishing participants [ . . . ] stand to directly suffer the consequences of overexploitation and directly benefit from maintaining high stock sizes of exploited populations.” Timothy E. Essington, Ecological Indicators Display Reduced Variation in North American Catch Share Fisheries , 107 Proc. Nat’l Acad. Sci. 754, 754 (2018). Christopher Costello & Daniel T. Kaffine, Marine Protected Areas in Spatial Property-Rights Fisheries , 54 Austl. J. Agric. & Resource Econ. 321, 321-22 (2009) (The “ appropriate assignment of rights internalizes externalities and facilitates stewardship, leading to sustainability through a profit motive.”).
[52]. Ragnar Arnason, Iceland’s ITQ System Creates New Wealth , 1 Elec. J. Sustainable Dev. 35, 35 (2008), available at ejsd/public/journal_article/9 (last visited Dec. 14, 2009) (“There are several possible types of private property rights in fisheries, of which individual transferable quotas (ITQs) are the most common.”); Kevin J. Lynch, Student Article, Application of the Public Trust Doctrine to Modern Fishery Management Regimes , 15 N. Y.U. Envtl. L. J. 285, 304 (2007).
[53]. See, e. g., Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), 16 U. S.C. § 1802(26)(A)-(B) (2007).
[54]. IFQ programs in federal waters are sanctioned by the LAPP provision of the MSA, and generally have been upheld by the courts.
[59]. See generally Costello et al., supra note 7. See also Carpenter et al., supra note 17, at 1310 (“[F]isheries with property rights systems such as tradeable catch shares are less prone to collapse than open-access fisheries.”); Cal. Fish & Game Comm’n, Miscellaneous Provisions - Restricted Access to Commercial Fisheries (1999), fgc. ca. gov/policy/p4misc. aspx (last visited May 13, 2018) (“The first 15 years of experience with individual quota management has shown that they end the race for fish and provide incentives to fishermen to change their business to maximize revenues and minimize costs.”).
[60]. Costello et al., supra note 7, at 1678, 1680. A “collapsed” fishery is one that has experienced more than a 90% decline from baseline abundance. See Boris Worm et al., Impacts of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem Services , 314 Science 787, 788 (2006).
[61]. But see Haw. Rev. Stat. § 188-22.6 (2009) (establishing community-based subsistence fishing areas in Hawaii, where harvest rights are assigned to Native Hawaiian communities for spatially delineated marine areas). These spatially-defined fishing grounds fall within the broader TURF rubric.
[62]. See, e. g., Juan Carlos Castilla, Fisheries in Chile: Small Pelagics, Management, Rights, and Sea Zoning , 86 Bull. Marine Sci. 221, 230 (2018) (since fishery reforms including TURFs were implemented in Chile, “the ‘race for fish’ appears to have been counteracted”); Costello & Kaffine, supra note 44, at 30-31 (finding that in Mexico, spiny lobsters have been managed quite sustainably since the inception of a TURF system in 1936.).
[63]. Dep’t of Commerce, Nat’l Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin., Catch Share Policy (2018), available at nmfs. noaa. gov/sfa/domes_fish/catchshare/docs/noaa_cs_ policy. pdf (including TURFs in the definition of catch shares). TURFs - qua - TURFs have not yet been brought before U. S. courts. LexisNexis Academic searches in the combined U. S. Federal and State case law database for (“territorial use rights in fisheries” OR “territorial user right fisheries”) and (“territorial use*” and fish*) produced no relevant results (search run April 20, 2018).
[64]. See Wyman, supra note 36, at 517-18 (“[I]n Japan, fishing cooperatives—not individuals—have TURF rights to fish in ‘specific territories extending as far as five and a half miles seaward.’”) (internal citation omitted).
[65]. In other words, a fisherman could receive harvesting rights for a sedentary species on a defined area of ocean floor, like a garden plot in a community garden.
[66]. For species that live not on the ocean floor but in the water column, the water overlying a particular, defined area of ocean floor could constitute the area in which the fisherman could harvest.
[67]. Because of logistical difficulties and jurisdictional issues, TURFs generally are thought to be most useful for nearshore, sedentary species that do not routinely migrate out of the TURF boundary. Castilla, supra note 62, at 229 (“Fisheries . . . for benthic species, showing spatially explicit population structure . . ., have been rightly argued to be more appropriate for these management approaches than fisheries for pelagic mobile species.”) (citations omitted). See also Omar Defeo & Juan Carlos Castilla, More Than One Bag for the World Fishery Crisis and Keys for Co-Management Successes in Selected Artisanal Latin American Shellfisheries, 15 Revs. Fish Biology & Fisheries 265, 269 (2005) (same); Lynch, supra note 53, at 305 (same); Wyman, supra note 36, at 517 (same); Sinden, supra note 44, at 600 (same). But see José P. Cancino et al., TURFs and ITQs: Collective vs. Individual Decision Making , 22 Marine Resource Econ. 391, 394-95 (2007) (while Chilean TURFs focus on the relatively sedentary loco , sea urchin, and limpets, in Japan, Fisheries Cooperative Association jurisdictions encompass both sedentary and moderately mobile species).
[68]. See Christopher Costello & Daniel T. Kaffine, Marine Protected Areas in Spatial Property-Rights Fisheries , 54 Austl. J. Agric. & Resource Econ. 321 (defining TURFs as a property rights-based approach to fisheries management that “ allocate[s] units of space to private firms, cooperatives, or fishermen”); Wyman, supra note 37, at 517 (“[TURFs] give fishers ownership of the stock of the fish in designated areas.”); Lynch, supra note 52, at 305 (noting that “[i]n addition to rights of access and withdrawal, TURFs generally give the holders the right to exclude others from their section of the ocean”). To be clear, the term “TURF” as used in this article refers to a subset of the universe of spatial harvesting privileges. It could be argued that the waters under a given state’s jurisdiction (or even the entire United States Exclusive Economic Zone) constitute a TURF insofar as those waters represent a spatially-delineated area with restricted fishing access. What the Authors are referring to as a TURF, however, occurs on a smaller scale (e. g. , the southern California red sea urchin fishery). Personal communication with Dr. Christopher Costello, Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, in Santa Barbara, Cal. (Sept. 27, 2018).
[69]. Costello & Kaffine, supra note 68, at 322.
[70]. See Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 278-79 (“[U]nder the right conditions economists find tradable permits and other market-based programs have been shown to provide effective rationing of access to common-pool resources[,]” but “market-based systems are only as effective as their design permits.”).
[71]. See, e. g., Ruhl & Salzman, supra note 24, at 161 (“If one focuses on legal scholarship as a proxy, from 1990 through 1996 there were only 17 articles containing the term ‘ecosystem services.’ During the following seven years, from 1997-2003, over ten times that number of law review articles referred to ecosystem services.
[72]. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: A Framework for Assessment 49 (2005) [hereinafter MEA Framework] (emphasis added). See also id. at 55, citing Robert Costanza et al., The Value of the World’s Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital , 387 Nature 253, 253 (1997) (“Ecosystem goods (such as food) and services (such as waste assimilation) represent the benefits human populations derive , directly or indirectly, from ecosystem functions.”) (emphasis added).
[73]. MEA Framework, supra note 72, at 54, citing Gretchen C. Daily, Introduction: What Are Ecosystem Services? , in Nature’s Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems 3 (Gretchen Daily ed. 1997) (emphasis added).
[74]. See Ruhl, supra note 20, at 278 (“[T]he concept of ecosystem services is anthropogenic in focus—it is about delivering economic value to humans.”).
[75]. See A. Dan Tarlock, Ecosystem Services in the Klamath Basin: Battlefield Casualties or the Future? , 22 J. Land Use & Envt’l L. 207, 217 (2007) (“[E]nvironmental protection remains relentlessly anthropocentric.”); Carpenter et al., supra note 17, at 1306 (stating that the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment “made a thorough effort to assess the effects of policies on ecosystem services and human well-being”).
[76]. Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at ix. See also Ruhl, supra note 20, at 276 (noting the need for the federal government to “begin to consider as a policy matter how it might manage the flow of ecosystem services on and off of its landholdings”).
[77]. See Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 8 (“The United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment project (2005) has moved the dialogue beyond academic discourse to concerted policy analysis. Yet proposals to date are largely conceptual in scope.”); Salzman, supra note 71, at 875.
(“[I]t is fair to say that we have achieved a good understanding of the theoretical issues concerning ecosystem service provision. There is also a growing literature, though largely anecdotal, that describes some of the practical issues concerning ecosystem service provision. The problem is that theory and practice often have not been effectively joined so that one meaningfully informs the other.”);
Tarlock, supra note 75, at 217 (noting that “[t]he problem has been to apply these diverse rationales from concept to the working landscape”). See also Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 168 (providing the “rather bleak message - that none of the institutions usually relied on to facilitate sustainable resource allocation [(i. e. , property rights, regulation, social norms)] has worked effectively toward that end with respect to natural capital and ecosystem services”).
[78]. Salzman, supra note 26, at 151.
[79]. Daily & Matson, supra note 11, at 9456.
[80]. See Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 6 (“Yet ecosystem service values derived directly from nature show up practically nowhere in our economy as it is structured, and much less so in the law supporting that structure . . . .” While “[t]he concept of ecosystem services is not new, . . . it is sufficiently recent that it is yet to be fully developed into coherent policy terms, and surely not yet into hard law to be applied.”).
[81]. See Scholes & Maltitz, supra note 35, at 11 (“us[ing] the term ‘tradeoffs’ to describe the relationship between the outcome of interventions undertaken in one sphere of environmental management, and the outcomes in another sphere [ . . . ]are an example of project externalities”); Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 258 (“There exist not only “ecological trade-offs . . . within and between ecosystems as a consequence of decisions about how to manage a service regime at a particular place and time[,]” but also “trade-offs and transitions inherent in every policy option relevant to every other policy option.”).
[82]. See, e. g., Nelson et al., supra note 26, at 9474 (“We found some cases in which a policy directed toward one goal actually reduced the ability to attain the other goal . . . . If programs that pay for ecosystem services are not designed carefully, they may yield minimal gains in services of interest and may well result in harm to other services or biodiversity conservation.”).
[83]. Such comparison is crucial, as “[l]aw and policy depend on other disciplines to inform effective decisions about the appropriate institutions and instruments to use[.]” Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 13. See also Carpenter et al., supra note 17, at 1308 (“Quantification of tradeoffs among ecosystem services and their interactions with human well-being are among the most pressing areas for research.”); Olsson et al., supra note 15, at 9489 (“The burgeoning literature on ecosystem-based management offers few empirically based insights into social-ecological strategies that make transitions to such management possible.”).
[84]. Christopher Costello & Stephen Polasky, Optimal Harvesting of Stochastic Spatial Resources , 56 J. Envtl. Econ. & Mgmt. 1, 3 (2008). See also H. Scott Gordon, The Economic Theory of a Common Property Resource: the Fishery , 62 J. Pol. Econ. 124, 124 (1954) (“Owing to the lack of theoretical economic research, biologists have been forced to extend the scope of their own thought into the economic sphere and in some cases have penetrated quite deeply, despite the lack of the analytical tools of economic theory.”).
[86]. In this role, tradeoff analysis can provide “a framework for assessing the connections between ecosystem services and economic development on a project-by-project basis and suggest indicators and metrics that could increase the likelihood of win-win outcomes.” Tallis et al., supra note 19, at 9458. See also Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 274 (noting the importance of “manag[ing] or distribut[ing] . . . information in a way that [is] useful to policy development”).
[87]. Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 8. See also id.
[88]. Nelson et al., supra note 24, at 10 (highlighting the importance of “[t]he kinds of analyses . . . [that] make transparent the tradeoffs between ecosystem services, biodiversity conservation, and market returns, and [emphasizing] that transparency . . . is desirable in engaging stakeholders and decision makers”); Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 281 (“[Q]uestions of institutional design focus primarily on . . . how to design regulatory institutions that are effective at implementing the regulatory instruments but also exhibit the key attributes of legitimacy - transparency, accountability, and efficiency.”) (internal citations omitted).
[89]. See Scholes & Maltitz, supra note 35, at 11 (“Not all ‘tradeoffs’ are negative in the sense that the outcomes in another sphere are necessarily negatively correlated with outcomes in the intended spheres.
[90]. Lester et al., supra note 9, at 3 (noting that ecosystem service tradeoff analysis “can reveal inferior management options”); Nelson et al., supra note 26, at 9474 (in the terrestrial context, certain “policies that pay private landowners to restore land to natural cover increase the provision of an ecosystem service and biodiversity conservation; however, these increases are less than what is feasible for a given budget, as shown by the efficiency frontier. It is possible that more sophisticated policies . . . may be able to close the gap vis-à-vis the efficiency frontier.”).
[91]. See Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 58 (decision makers will have to “address resource allocation issues that will inevitably arise given the inherent trade-offs among different ecosystem services and, more generally, between ecosystem services and other benefits of technology and natural capital”).
[93]. Lester et al., supra note 9, at 5 (“[V]aluation is not required to formally evaluate trade-offs among management alternatives.”); id. at 9 (the efficiency frontier can be crafted “using empirical data, quantitative models or conceptual models, depending on data and model availability”). This characteristic of ecosystem service tradeoff analysis is important because “whether we know [ecosystem services’] precise economic value or not, . . . society has to choose how to allocate natural resources[.]” Ruhl et al., supra note 10, at 31.
[94]. Lester et al., supra note 9, at 9 (“[S]ervices do not need to be quantified in common metrics within a given analysis.”); id. (“[T]he only requirement is that the service can be quantified, whether in dollars or another metric . . . .”); But see Tarlock, supra note 76, at 217 (“It is . . . harder to argue against a policy with dollar values attached.”).
[95]. See Lant et al., supra note 10, at 470 (noting the importance of identifying the “interaction between socioeconomic and biophysical processes”).
[96]. See Lester et al., supra note 9, at 14 (“[O]ur ability to distinguish among these different types of interactions depends on our level of certainty regarding the location of individual points or, in other words, our ability to predict how much of the services of interest will be realized under different management options.”).
[97]. Polasky et al., supra note 18, at 1506 (“The efficiency frontier illustrates what can be achieved in terms of biological and economic objectives by carefully arranging the spatial allocation of activities across the landscape. The efficiency frontier also demonstrates the degree of inefficiency of other land-use patterns not on [the] frontier.”); id. (“An efficient land-use pattern is one that generates the maximum biological score for a given economic score (and vice versa).”). See also Lant et al., supra note 10, at 478 (describing the production possibility frontier (PPF), i. e. , efficiency frontier, as “represent[ing] a set of social choices involving trade-offs among multiple objectives, with each choice manifested as a landscape”); Nelson et al., supra note 26, at 9472 (“Efficient outcomes occur when it is not possible to increase one desired objective without simultaneously decreasing another desired objective . . . We summarize the set of efficient outcomes, with efficiency frontiers that show the maximum feasible combinations of multiple outputs that can be generated by the landscape.”).
[98]. See Carpenter et al., supra note 17, at 1309 (“Economic analysis of tradeoffs employs the marginal value, or the value of a small increment or decrement of that service from its current supply.”); Salzman, supra note 26, at 134 (discussing marginal change); Nelson et al., supra note 26, at 9472 (“Starting from an efficient land-use pattern, an increase in the production on one objective requires a decrease in the level of the other.” In their study, “[t]radeoffs were found between carbon sequestration and species conservation on efficiency frontiers in the Willamette Basin as indicated by the negative slope of each efficiency frontier.”).
[99]. Lant et al., supra note 10, at 478 (“In theory, the PPF should . . . be convex, but where various economic and ecological goals are neutral or complementary, it can be linear or even concave” and “it is frequently the case that adjacent points along the PPF produce substantially different land-use patterns due to nuances in the effects of spatial pattern on ecosystem service production.”); Carpenter et al., supra note 17, at 1309 (“An important piece of qualitative information is the shape of the curves relating various levels of activity and the corresponding levels of delivery for key services. From these, it is often possible to agree on certain thresholds that should not be exceeded.”).
[100]. See Nelson et al., supra note 26, at 9472 (“With the complex biophysical models, we find significant portions of the efficiency frontiers where one objective can be increased without significantly lowering the other.”); Polasky et al., supra note 18, at 1520 (“[O]ther studies that have combined biological and economic models in terms of an efficiency frontier . . . have generally found that a large portion of conservation benefits can be achieved at relatively low cost but that obtaining the final few increments of a conservation objective are extremely expensive.”) .
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Ecosystem services of the Southern Ocean: trade-offs in decision-making.
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Ecosystem services of the Southern Ocean: trade-offs in decision-making.
Ecosystem services are the benefits that mankind obtains from natural ecosystems. Here we identify the key services provided by the Southern Ocean. These include provisioning of fishery products, nutrient cycling, climate regulation and the maintenance of biodiversity, with associated cultural and aesthetic benefits. Potential catch limits for Antarctic krill ( Euphausia superba Dana) alone are equivalent to 11% of current global marine fisheries landings. We also examine the extent to which decision-making within the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) considers trade-offs between ecosystem services, using the management of the Antarctic krill fishery as a case study. Management of this fishery considers a three-way trade-off between fisheries performance, the status of the krill stock and that of predator populations. However, there is a paucity of information on how well these components represent other ecosystem services that might be degraded as a result of fishing. There is also a lack of information on how beneficiaries value these ecosystem services. A formal ecosystem assessment would help to address these knowledge gaps. It could also help to harmonize decision-making across the ATS and promote global recognition of Southern Ocean ecosystem services by providing a standard inventory of the relevant ecosystem services and their value to beneficiaries.
“Ecosystem services” are the benefits that mankind obtains from natural ecosystems (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005, Daily et al. 2009) including food, fresh water and the maintenance of an equable climate. Human activities put pressure on natural systems, and obtaining one benefit (such as fish for food) from an ecosystem may impact its ability to provide other benefits (such as supporting biodiversity). Organizations charged with managing human activities that impact ecosystems must therefore make trade-offs between the different benefits that ecosystems provide (McLeod & Leslie 2009, Link 2018, Watters et al . in press).
Recent “ecosystem assessments” have attempted to collate information on the character, status, distribution and value of ecosystem services at global or regional scales (IPBES 2018). The objective of collating such information is to clarify how ecosystems, the achievement of social and economic goals and the intrinsic value of nature are interconnected (Ash et al. 2018). Such assessments attempt to translate the complexity of nature into functions that can be more readily understood by decision-makers and non-specialists. Their authors suggest that this increases the transparency of trade-offs associated with decisions that may impact ecosystems (Carpenter et al. 2006, Beaumont et al. 2007, Fisher et al. 2009, UK NEA 2018).
The continent of Antarctica and the surrounding Southern Ocean have, to date, been under-represented in global ecosystem assessments (e. g. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005, UNEP 2018, 2018) and have not been the subject of any detailed regional assessment. This continent and ocean (which we subsequently refer to as the Antarctic) cover 9.7% of the Earth's surface area and play significant roles in the functioning of the Earth system (Lumpkin & Speer 2007, Mayewski et al. 2009). Their under-representation in ecosystem assessments potentially limits the information available for decision-making about regional and global activities that impact Antarctic ecosystems. It could also lead to underestimates of the consequences of change in Antarctic ecosystems and the global significance of the services they provide.
The governance system for the Antarctic comprises a set of international agreements known as the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS). These treaties imply that the management of activities that impact ecosystems should consider the associated trade-offs. For example, the Protocol on Environmental Protection (1991) recognized “the intrinsic value of Antarctica, including its wilderness and aesthetic values and its value as an area for the conduct of scientific research, in particular research essential to understanding the global environment” (ats. aq/documents/recatt/Att006_e. pdf, accessed April 2018). Decisions on the conduct of human activities, including scientific research, must therefore consider potential impacts on environmental, aesthetic and wilderness values. The Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources underpins the management of fishing activities in the Southern Ocean. The Convention entered into force in 1982, and established the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources as its decision-making body. The acronym ‘CCAMLR’ is often used to refer to both the Convention and the Commission. In this paper, we use ‘CCAMLR’ to refer to the Commission and ‘the Convention’ to refer to the legal instrument. The Convention aims to ensure the “rational use” of marine living resources subject to “principles of conservation” ( Fig. 1 ) including the maintenance of harvested stocks and of ecological relationships between harvested stocks and other species, the recovery of previously depleted stocks, and the prevention of irreversible change (ccamlr/en/document/publications/convention-conservation-antarctic-marine-living-resources, accessed April 2018). Decisions that comply with the Convention must therefore consider the trade-offs between the current benefit of catches, the benefit of future catches from a healthy stock, and the more general benefits of a healthy ecosystem.
The purpose of the current paper is to review existing knowledge of Southern Ocean ecosystem services and the way this knowledge is currently used in decision-making. We collate available information on the identity, distribution, beneficiaries and global significance of Antarctic marine ecosystem services. We use the management of the main Southern Ocean fishery, which harvests Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba Dana, as a case study to explore the extent to which regional decision-making currently uses the type of information that formal ecosystem assessments generate. A full assessment of the status, trends and value of Southern Ocean ecosystem services is beyond the scope of this study, but we discuss the further work required and the potential benefits of conducting a formal ecosystem assessment. While we acknowledge that these objectives are also relevant to the terrestrial Antarctic, we limit our consideration to the marine ecosystem services of the Southern Ocean. For the purposes of this study, we define the Southern Ocean as the area covered by the Convention (ccamlr/en/organisation/convention-area, accessed April 2018). The northern boundary of this area approximates to the position of the Antarctic Polar Front, which is an important ecological boundary between neighbouring oceans. This front is where cold polar surface waters sink beneath temperate surface waters. It is generally located between c. 50°S and 60°S (Moore et al. 1997); the higher latitude being the northern boundary of all other ATS agreements (ats. aq/imagenes/info/antarctica_e. pdf, accessed April 2018).
The following two sections provide brief introductions to ecosystem assessment and direct human interactions with the Southern Ocean ecosystem. Tables I and andII II present key information about Southern Ocean ecosystem services, and the remaining sections consider the existing use of information on ecosystem services in the management of the Antarctic krill fishery in the Scotia Sea and southern Drake Passage. This forms the basis for our discussion of how an ecosystem assessment might aid CCAMLR's decision-making processes.
Ecosystem assessment.
Ecosystem assessments aim to comprehensively characterize the status and trends of relevant ecosystems, the services they provide, the drivers of change, and the potential consequences of such change (Carpenter et al. 2006, Ash et al. 2018). This includes identifying how ecosystem services affect human well-being, who benefits, and where these beneficiaries are located. It can include identifying the specific value of ecosystem services to their beneficiaries (TEEB 2018). An ecosystem assessment adds value to existing information by clarifying how ecosystems, human well-being and the intrinsic value of nature are interconnected (UK NEA 2018). The practical purpose of these assessments is to provide information that can help decision-makers to better understand how their decisions might change specific ecosystem services. This theoretically equips decision-makers to choose policies that sustain the appropriate suite of services (Ash et al. 2018).
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) was a landmark example of a global ecosystem assessment (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). Its objective was to “assess the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being”, and it established a framework which has formed the basis for a number of subsequent global and regional ecosystem assessments (e. g. CAFF 2018, UK NEA 2018, UNEP 2018). The MA recognized four categories of ecosystem services: provisioning (e. g. food, freshwater); regulating (e. g. climate regulation, water purification); cultural (e. g. aesthetic benefits and recreation); and supporting (e. g. nutrient cycling and primary production). These categories notably exclude the roles played by polar icecaps in storing water that would otherwise increase sea levels, and by sea ice in holding back continental ice and increasing the Earth's albedo. They also exclude some naturally occurring resources such as minerals and hydrocarbons.
The MA definition of ecosystem services includes benefits that are directly perceived and used by people (such as food and water) and those that are not (such as storm regulation by wetlands) (Costanza 2008). Direct-use benefits of ecosystem services may be consumptive (e. g. the consumption of wild caught fish), or non-consumptive (e. g. the enjoyment of those fish by scuba divers) (Saunders et al. 2018). Non-use benefits may be derived, for example, from the knowledge that a resource or service exists or is being maintained (Ledoux & Turner 2002, Saunders et al. 2018). Benefits may be enjoyed at the location of a particular ecosystem service (e. g. local subsistence fishing) or at a great distance from it (e. g. large-scale commercial fishing by far seas fleets with global markets).
By definition, ecosystem services have value to their beneficiaries. Ecosystem assessments aim to identify the relative value of each ecosystem service based on various measures. In the case of consumptive use, it might be possible to measure value in economic terms, but it is also important to consider other types of value (Costanza et al. 1997). Various authors have described non-use benefits in terms of existence or presence value, altruistic value (knowledge of benefits being used by the current generation), and bequest value (knowledge of benefits being used by future generations) (Gilpin 2000, Chee et al. 2004, Saunders et al. 2018). The preservation of a resource or service for future use, or the avoidance of irreversible decisions until further information is available (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005) is sometimes considered as a use value in itself (Saunders et al. 2018). However, it may be categorised separately as an unknown use, including a ‘quasi-option value’ where future use assumes the availability of increased knowledge or technology (Ledoux & Turner 2002, Chee et al . 2004).
The objective of ecosystem assessment to provide a comparison between ecosystem services has led to attempts to express these different values in standardized, and often monetary, terms. The monetary value of an ecosystem service is arguably equivalent to the cost of replacing that service or finding another means of gaining similar benefits (Ledoux & Turner 2002). In some cases, particularly for those services which constitute the Earth's life support systems (e. g. climate regulation) this value is unlimited, because the service would be irreplaceable if lost completely.
The Total Economic Value (TEV) framework is increasingly used to assess the value of ecosystem services by combining both monetary and non-monetary aspects of overall value (Ledoux & Turner 2002). Figure 2 sets out a simple TEV framework adapted from previous studies (Ledoux & Turner 2002, Chee et al . 2004, Saunders et al. 2018). The loss of ‘natural capital’ such as forests or fish stocks is not included in traditional economic accounting models such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Dasgupta 2018). In some cases, the exploitation of natural resources might result in a positive growth in GDP, when the degradation or unsustainable use of those resources has in fact reduced natural capital. Valuation of ecosystem services provides information that might help to inform policy decisions that reduce such loss or degradation of natural capital (Costanza et al. 1997, Ledoux & Turner 2002).
Human uses of the Southern Ocean.
The Southern Ocean is the only ocean that does not border a permanently inhabited landmass and, consequently, it was unknown and unexploited until the late 1700s. The economic importance of its ecological resources grew rapidly following Captain Cook's discovery of abundant fur seals at South Georgia in 1775. The Southern Ocean became the world's main source of seal products in the 1800s and whale products in the 1900s (Bonner 1984, Headland 1992). Populations of fur seals were reduced almost to extinction by the early 19th century. Attention then shifted to elephant seals and southern right whales. By the first half of the 20th century, these stocks had also declined and improved technology allowed offshore hunting of other baleen whales and sperm whales to become established. Whaling ceased in the 1960s when it was no longer economically viable. Finfish and then Antarctic krill became the major focus for exploitation, which continues until the present-day. Historical harvesting operations and catch sizes are mainly well documented (e. g. Laws 1953, Kock 1992, CCAMLR 2018a, Hill 2018a, fig 14.5), although illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing has occurred, most recently for high-value toothfish (Österblom & Bodin 2018). The extent and scale of this living resource extraction, and the fact that some whale and finfish stocks remain depleted (Bonner 1984, Kock 1992) demonstrates that the Southern Ocean is far from being a pristine wilderness as it is sometimes characterized.
The hostile and remote nature of the Southern Ocean, and the lack of a permanent human population have constrained direct use of its ecosystem services. Nevertheless, marine harvesting, science and tourism all directly impact the Antarctic environment (Clarke & Harris 2003, Tin et al. 2009). Scientific research and its associated logistic and support requirements have been a major focus of human activities in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean since the early 20th century. Up to 6000 scientific and support personnel are stationed in and around Antarctica at the peak of the summer season (Clarke & Harris 2003), and the Antarctic Treaty aims to maintain a high level of protection for the Antarctic environment as a scientific resource. The iconic wildlife, unique seascapes and coastlines, and relative isolation are all important factors in attracting recreational visitors. Antarctic tourism did not become established until the 1970s, and although it has expanded and diversified significantly during the last 40 years the number of visitors remains relatively low (around 35 000 each year; iaato/tourism-statistics, accessed April 2018).
Ecosystem services provided by the Southern Ocean.
Using the four categories identified by the MA, we have identified and described the ecosystem services provided by the Southern Ocean and the ecosystem components corresponding to the provision of these services ( Table I ). Of the 24 ecosystem services examined by the MA we suggest that 12 have direct relevance in the Southern Ocean. Others are relevant only to terrestrial habitats or where there is a resident human population. Table I also lists the current beneficiaries of each identified ecosystem service and the spatial distribution of these services where applicable. Species that are particularly important to the provision of ecosystem services include harvested species such as Antarctic krill, toothfish, and other fish species; iconic or flagship species (Zacharias & Roff 2001) such as penguins, whales, seals and albatrosses; and phytoplankton, zooplankton, and macro-zooplankton species which play key roles in primary production and nutrient cycling. There are potential benefits from services which are as yet unknown in the Southern Ocean. Endemism is high in many marine taxa (Arntz et al. 1997) suggesting the potential for products that cannot be sourced elsewhere. A few genetic and biochemical materials have been patented for use in pharmaceutical or industrial products but the potential of such resources has yet to be fulfilled (Jabour-Green & Nicol 2003). Other services such as the provision of freshwater may not be viable or utilized at present, but remain potentially important for the future if there are changes to global supply and demand.
Ecosystem services provided by the Southern Ocean have few direct, local beneficiaries. The provisioning services support consumption elsewhere. For example, markets for toothfish and Antarctic krill products are predominantly in northern hemisphere nations in East Asia, North America, and Europe (Catarci 2004, Nicol et al. 2018). Regulating and supporting services such as climate regulation, ocean circulation and nutrient cycling provide benefits to human populations globally.
Marine ecosystem services may occur within well-defined locations (e. g. the spawning grounds of a particular fish species which support a provisioning service), or across much larger and spatially less distinct areas (e. g. sequestration of CO 2 across the entire Southern Ocean). There is some potential for spatially explicit mapping of ecosystem services in the Southern Ocean, for example to illustrate the spatial dimension of catch value (UK NEA 2018). Information is also available on tourist landing sites (iaato/tourism-statistics) and ship traffic (Lynch et al. 2018). Mapping of regulating and supporting services may be more difficult to achieve, although datasets such as sea surface chlorophyll concentrations (e. g. oceancolor. gsfc. nasa. gov) may serve as useful proxies.
Table II presents some simple estimates of the comparative value of the Antarctic krill stock as an illustration of the value of Southern Ocean ecosystem services. The Antarctic krill stock in the Scotia Sea and southern Drake Passage is managed with an interim catch limit but there is also a higher potential limit, known as the “precautionary catch limit” (CCAMLR 2018b). These two catch limits are respectively equivalent to 0.8% and 7.1% of global marine capture fisheries production in 2018 (FAO 2018) with first sale values of about US$ 824 × 10 6 yr -1 and US$ 7.4 × 10 9 yr -1 . The comparable first sale value of the global fish catch is c. US$ 85 × 10 9 yr -1 (Pikitch et al. 2018). The current market for krill oil alone is c. US$ 82 × 10 6 yr -1 (Hill 2018a). These economic values should be considered alongside the value of other ecosystem services provided by the Antarctic krill stock. Pikitch et al. (2018) estimated that the contribution to predator production made by Antarctic krill is higher than that of any comparable species in the world's oceans. Other types of value based on the components of TEV ( Fig. 2 ) might include option, existence, or bequest value. Investment in research and conservation gives some indication of the importance society currently attaches to ecological resources. The coverage of closed or protected areas which limit fishery access, for example at the South Orkney Islands (CCAMLR 2018c) and South Georgia (sgisland. gs/download/MPA/MPA%20Plan%20v1-1.01%20Feb%2027_12.pdf), is a non-monetary indication of conservation investment. However, the cost of research and protection is likely to be much lower than the hypothetical replacement value.
Existing use of information about ecosystem services in the ATS.
Ecosystem assessments aim to characterize ecosystem services in terms of their identity and status. This status might be assessed relative to reference points defining desirable states. Ecosystem assessments also attempt to identify the beneficiaries of ecosystem services and to evaluate potential drivers and consequences of future ecosystem change. This is intended to facilitate decision-making based on trade-offs between ecosystem services. This section uses the Antarctic krill fishery in the Scotia Sea and southern Drake Passage as a case study to identify the extent to which management processes consider trade-offs and use the types of information that are collated in ecosystem assessments.
Overview of decision making within CCAMLR.
The instruments of the ATS govern existing and potential human activities in the Southern Ocean, although these instruments are legally binding only on signatory nations. The Protocol on Environmental Protection prohibits mineral exploitation south of 60°S and specifies the conduct of scientific, logistic and tourist operations. CCAMLR manages fishing activities in the wider Southern Ocean ecosystem. A total of 8% of this area falls under the jurisdiction of national governments (including the marine areas around Heard Island and McDonald Island, Iles Kerguelen and Iles Crozet, the Prince Edward Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands), some of which apply CCAMLR management measures.
CCAMLR manages fishing and related activities by implementing regulations known as Conservation Measures. Commissioners are representatives of national governments. CCAMLR is advised by a Scientific Committee which, in turn, is advised by a number of scientific working groups. Decision-making at each of these levels is by consensus (Hill 2018a, fig 14.4).
The Antarctic krill fishery in the Scotia Sea and southern Drake Passage accounted for 91% by mass of the total Southern Ocean catch in the 2018‘11 fishing season (CCAMLR 2018a). There are a number of reviews that describe the development of CCAMLR's management approach for this fishery (Constable et al. 2000, Miller & Agnew 2000, Hill 2018a), which we also summarize here.
The Convention's principles of conservation (CCAMLR 1982) were an early articulation of the goals of Ecosystem Based Management. Ecosystem Based Management takes account of trade-offs between ecosystem services, and has the goals of maintaining the ecosystem productivity, health and resilience that underpins the provision of ecosystem services (McLeod & Leslie 2009). Management of Antarctic krill fisheries has generally focused on the three-way trade-off between the performance of the fishery, the status of the krill stock, and the status of selected krill predators. In this trade-off, the status of krill predators is used as a proxy for the health and resilience of the wider ecosystem ( Fig. 1 ), although CCAMLR has also considered other impacts of the fishery, such as larval fish bycatch (Agnew et al. 2018).
The Antarctic krill harvest from the Scotia Sea and southern Drake Passage has been capped at 620 000 t yr -1 since CCAMLR first began to regulate the fishery in 1991. This interim catch limit is less than the “precautionary catch limit” (currently 5.61 × 10 6 t yr -1 ) which has been updated a number of times in response to revised estimates of Antarctic krill biomass (e. g. Trathan et al. 1995, Hewitt et al. 2004a, SC-CAMLR 2018). The “precautionary catch limit” defines the potential maximum harvest when the management approach is sufficiently developed to allow the interim limit to be removed.
CCAMLR's scientific working groups have used the three-way trade-off to develop and evaluate management approaches that address two key questions: what is the appropriate overall catch limit, and how should this be spatially distributed to minimize local depletion of krill and its predators? The first question led to a set of decision rules which CCAMLR established in the early 1990s to identify the “precautionary catch limit” (SC-CAMLR 1994). These decision rules were formulated for use with simulation models and an estimate of the initial biomass of Antarctic krill, which is assumed to represent the biomass prior to any impacts of fishing. One rule allows for the simulated Antarctic krill stock to be depleted to 75% of its initial biomass. This compares with the maximum sustainable yield reference point which is widely used in other fisheries and allows depletion to around 60% (Smith et al. 2018). Thus the decision rule reserves a proportion of Antarctic krill production for its predators. Smith et al. (2018) suggested that depletion to 75% of initial biomass represents a reasonable trade-off between the benefits of harvesting and ecosystem health. Another rule constrains the risk of the simulated krill population falling to low levels likely to impact productivity.
Work is ongoing within CCAMLR's scientific working groups to address the second question. These groups have identified ecologically-based spatial subdivisions of the fishery (Hewitt et al. 2004b) and assessed the potential consequences of different spatial fishing patterns (Plagányi & Butterworth 2018, Hill 2018b, Watters et al . in press). The krill biomass in any area varies naturally over time (Brierley et al. 2002, Atkinson et al. 2004). The patterns of variability are also likely to change in response to climate change and fishing (Everson et al. 1992). It might therefore be appropriate to vary area-specific catch limits, or other activities, such as monitoring, in response to information about the state of the krill stock or the wider ecosystem (Constable 2002, Trathan & Agnew 2018, SC-CAMLR 2018). CCAMLR's scientific working groups aim to develop a “feedback management procedure” (SC-CAMLR 2018) to address these issues. They have considered the use of data from the fishery, small-scale krill surveys (e. g. Brierley et al. 2002) and krill predators (Constable 2002, Hill et al. 2018) to indicate the state of the ecosystem. However, further work is required on all aspects of the proposed procedure, including definition of its specific objectives.
CCAMLR has not, to date, agreed a management approach that will prevent excessive localized depletion of the krill stock, and consequent impacts on krill predators, if catches increase beyond the interim catch limit. It therefore retains the interim limit and has recently established additional caps within the fishery's four subareas (CCAMLR 2018d).
The Antarctic krill catch increased from 126 000 t in 2001/02 to 181 000 t in 2018/11. This expansion coincided with new developments in harvesting and processing technology and new markets for krill products (Nicol et al. 2018, CCAMLR 2018a). Catches remain below 0.4% of the estimated available biomass in the Scotia Sea and southern Drake Passage (60.3 x 10 6 t), while the interim catch limit is around 1% of this estimate. These values are low compared with most established fisheries elsewhere in the world (FAO 2018) and compared to the standard reference points used to evaluate sustainability (Worm et al. 2009) but some authors have questioned whether any krill fishing is sustainable (Jacquet et al. 2018).
The decision rules represent a practical solution to the need to balance effects on different ecosystem components, which did not require an economic valuation of the relevant ecosystem services. However, CCAMLR has not yet identified an approach which balances these effects at the appropriate ecological scale, and so relies on interim management measures. The current challenges facing the managers of the krill fishery include increasing demand for krill products, public interest in other ecosystem services that krill may support, and the pressure of climate change. CCAMLR is attempting to meet these challenges through developing a “feedback management procedure”.
Consideration of the character and status of ecosystem services.
Antarctic krill is an important species in much of the Southern Ocean, where it is a major prey item for a diverse community of predators including fish, seabirds, marine mammals and cephalopods (Atkinson et al. 2009, Hill et al. 2018). Ecosystem components of interest to CCAMLR therefore include the Antarctic krill stock and its predators. CCAMLR and the wider research community are actively addressing questions about the status and trends of these components. CCAMLR's ecosystem monitoring programme (CEMP) was established in 1987. It aims to detect and record significant changes in critical components of the marine ecosystem and to distinguish between changes due to harvesting of commercial species and changes due to environmental variability, both physical and biological (Croxall 2006). CEMP monitors Antarctic krill and nine predator species (penguins, albatrosses and fur seals) representing the ‘dependent and related populations’ referred to in the Convention's principles of conservation ( Fig. 1 ). The monitored ecosystem components are consistent with the three-way trade-off. The choice of monitored components therefore reinforces the assumption that krill predators are suitable indicators of the wider state of the ecosystem. The spatial scales and species for which the state of predator populations should be evaluated to inform krill fishery management remain to be defined.
In 2000, CCAMLR conducted a multi-national large-scale synoptic survey to estimate the biomass of Antarctic krill in 2 x 10 6 km 2 of the Scotia Sea and southern Drake Passage (Hewitt et al. 2004a). Some CCAMLR Members also monitor krill biomass in smaller areas. For example, the UK has estimated biomass in an area of at least 8000 km 2 to the north of South Georgia since 1981 and on a regular basis since 1996 (Brierley et al. 2002). A series of studies that integrate data from national science programmes has, independently of CCAMLR, produced recent estimates of circumpolar krill biomass and production, and an assessment of trends in krill abundance (Atkinson et al. 2004, 2009). Other studies, mainly associated with CEMP data, have assessed the status and trends of various krill predator populations (e. g. Forcada et al. 2005, Forcada & Trathan 2009). Turner et al. 's (2009) review of Antarctic climate change and environment collated much of the relevant information from published scientific studies, while Flores et al. (2018) provided a more krill-focused review.
Many national science programmes and several international science coordination and implementation bodies have a Southern Ocean focus, addressing questions about the status and trends of ecosystems (e. g. Murphy et al. 2018). These programmes have sometimes identified a particular ecosystem service, or the need to manage activities that affect ecosystem services, as the motivation or benefit of their research, but none has aimed to provide a comprehensive assessment of ecosystem status and trends.
Definitions of the desirable states of ecosystem components and of the fishery (and therefore undesirable states to avoid) remain elusive (Hill 2018b). Two prominent recent studies have suggested tentative reference points for “forage” species, such as krill, that support diverse predators. Cury et al. (2018) analysed the relationship between prey availability and seabird breeding success. They recommended maintaining forage species above a third of the maximum biomass observed in long-term studies. Smith et al. (2018) used ecosystem models to assess the propagation of fishery impacts through the foodweb. They suggested maintaining forage species above 75% of their unexploited biomass. Each of these reference points carries caveats which will need to be addressed before implementation. The Cury et al. (2018) analysis was based on aggregated data from a range of ecosystems, including the Scotia Sea. Simplistic application of its recommendations to the krill fishery suggests that krill should be maintained at levels which were only observed in six of the 21 years analysed. This highlights the difficulties in practical application of universal reference points. More detailed consideration of the scale of predator foraging, the response of different predators, and the current state of the ecosystem will be necessary to develop recommendations for the krill fishery. The 75% reference point has already been used to suggest overall krill catch limits, but CCAMLR recognizes that by itself this does not provide adequate protection against localized depletion of krill and consequent impacts on predators (Hewitt et al. 2004b).
Consideration of beneficiaries of ecosystem services.
The Preamble to the Antarctic Treaty (1959) recognized that peaceful use of the Antarctic and scientific cooperation are in the interests of “all mankind” (ats. aq/documents/ats/treaty_original. pdf, accessed April 2018). The Convention states a commitment to “rational use”, which is often interpreted by CCAMLR Members as meaning sustainable fishing. However, the Convention does not explicitly define the term, meaning that it can be applied to the use of other ecosystem services (Watters et al. in press).
Questions about the ability of ecosystem services to supply local needs are inappropriate for the Southern Ocean due to the geographical separation between these ecosystem services and their beneficiaries. This fact might partly explain why there has been little direct consideration within CCAMLR of the relationships between ecosystem services and human well being.
The fishing industry and its employees, suppliers and customers are direct beneficiaries of the Antarctic krill fishery. The beneficiaries of other ecosystem services that the fishery could impact are less clearly defined, although these could include tourists, scientists, and others who might benefit from the maintenance of predator populations and the wider ecosystem (see Table I ). The consensus decision-making in CCAMLR provides a mechanism for accommodating multiple opinions representing multiple ways of valuing different ecosystem services. However, consensus decision-making also has recognized drawbacks including the disproportionate influence of minority opinions and a tendency to default to the status quo. For many Members there will be pressure to ensure that decisions are defensible in terms of both the Convention and public opinion. Nonetheless, in order to have an influence, opinions must be represented at national government level, and there is no automatic requirement to represent all beneficiaries, or to consider the relative value of different ecosystem services to different beneficiaries.
Several conservation-focused non-governmental organisations (NGOs) also take an interest in krill fishery issues. Some of these have observer status within CCAMLR under the umbrella of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition. However, few interest groups or direct beneficiaries have stated their specific objectives for krill fishery management. Hill (2018a) noted that most groups identify “sustainability” as a key requirement but that few have provided a tangible definition of this term. Furthermore, some uses of this term are mutually contradictory. Nonetheless, Österblom & Bodin (2018) reported that 117 diverse organizations responded to the crisis of IUU harvesting of toothfish in the Southern Ocean with shared purpose. Their actions resulted in a substantial reduction in IUU fishing. This suggests that effective cooperation between diverse interest groups is possible.
CCAMLR faces the challenge of making operational decisions on the basis of its conservation principles that are acceptable to a diverse community of beneficiaries and interest groups. At present there is little information about the values that these groups place on ecosystem services, or their specific objectives for the ecosystem or the fishery. The types of question posed by ecosystem assessments might help to identify these values and objectives.
Consideration of future change.
The MA examined how ecosystems and the services they provide might change under plausible future scenarios. This is a key question being asked by many Antarctic-focused national science programmes and international coordinating bodies including the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research and the Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean programme (Murphy et al. 2018), in conjunction with ATS bodies including CCAMLR. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change intends to increase its coverage of the status and prognosis for Southern Ocean ecosystems with a dedicated chapter in the forthcoming Fifth Assessment Report. The impetus for such activity has come mainly from the scientific community but the strong interaction between scientists and decision makers within CCAMLR ensures shared purpose.
The paucity of historical data presents a particular challenge for defining baseline status and relative reference points for living components of the Southern Ocean ecosystem (Hill et al. 2006, Trathan et al. 2018). Clarke & Harris (2003) and Turner et al. (2009) identified key influences on the current status of Antarctic ecosystems, and suggest potential ecosystem responses to further change. Climate forcing is a major influence on the Southern Ocean ecosystem (Everson et al. 1992, Turner et al. 2009). This apparently results from complex interactions between natural climate processes, and the anthropogenic effects of the ozone hole and greenhouse gases (Turner et al. 2009, Turner & Overland 2009). Although limited human activity in the Southern Ocean constrains the potential direct influences (Trathan & Agnew 2018), potentially important drivers of change include: fishing; the ongoing consequences of historical exploitation of seals, whales and fish; pollution; disease; and invasive species (Clarke & Harris 2003, Trathan & Reid 2009).
The Convention identifies the importance of the effects of fishing and associated activities “on the marine ecosystem and of the effects of environmental changes”. CCAMLR's 2009 resolution 30/XXVIII (ccamlr/en/resolution-30/xxviii-2009, accessed April 2018) also recognized the importance of climate change, urging “increased consideration of climate change impacts in the Southern Ocean to better inform CCAMLR management decisions” and encouraging “an effective global response to address the challenge of climate change”. These statements require ongoing consideration of how to secure the delivery of a limited set of ecosystem services while minimizing the impact on others. Further work remains necessary to quantify and forecast environmental change, to understand levels of uncertainty, and to assess potential impacts on ecosystem services, including their social and economic implications.
The previous sections have provided a preliminary characterization of the Southern Ocean's ecosystem services, demonstrating their global importance in terms of climate regulation, food supply and the maintenance of biodiversity. The high estimated value of the Antarctic krill stock relative to global fishery landings provides an illustration of this global significance. We have also discussed the extent to which the functions of ecosystem assessment are already integrated into the management of the Antarctic krill fishery. This demonstrates that trade-offs between the benefits obtained from harvesting and the potential impacts on other ecosystem services are a major component of CCAMLR's decision-making process.
The governance system for the Southern Ocean offers unique opportunities for managing the trade-offs between ecosystem services because its influence covers a whole ocean ecosystem. In 2009, CCAMLR designated a Marine Protected Area located entirely within the High Seas (CCAMLR 2018c). This global first is an important milestone in protecting ecosystems that are beyond national jurisdiction. Furthermore the Convention's principles of conservation effectively require management that accounts for such trade-offs. The developing management of the Antarctic krill fishery acknowledges these trade-offs, but simplifies them to a three-way consideration of fishery performance and the status of krill and predator populations. It is appropriate to assess whether this three-way trade-off fully represents CCAMLR's responsibilities under the Convention and the wider ATS. CCAMLR faces further challenges in developing its management approach, and in ensuring that this approach is co-ordinated with organizations responsible for other human activities at both the global and regional scale.
The ecosystem services of the Southern Ocean are a global resource from which all of mankind indirectly benefits. Most beneficiaries of these ecosystem services never have any direct contact with the ecosystem. There is, however, a small and relatively privileged group of direct beneficiaries that includes fishing and tourism companies, affluent tourists and consumers of the premium products (such as krill oil and Antarctic toothfish) derived from Antarctic fisheries. These activities also create employment and therefore another category of beneficiary. In their consideration of growing demand for marine fisheries products, Garcia & Rosenburg (2018) identified krill as a resource that could perhaps support further exploitation. Thus, the composition of the group of direct beneficiaries could change over time. The spatial disconnect between the ecosystem services and the majority of beneficiaries means that the role of interest groups as intermediaries between beneficiaries and managers is particularly pronounced. There is an important distinction between beneficiaries and interest groups. Beneficiaries include the whole human race benefiting from a wide range of ecosystem services, while interest groups often focus on a narrow set of benefits and objectives. The specific requirements of beneficiaries are not currently well understood with the consequence that CCAMLR is yet to define operational objectives for the state of the krill stock, its predators and the wider ecosystem (Hill 2018a, 2018b, Watters et al. in press).
The Southern Ocean ecosystem is strongly influenced by human activities elsewhere (Clarke & Harris 2003), and is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change (Turner et al. 2009). Ecosystem managers arguably have a duty to maintain the regulatory and supporting services required for healthy ecosystems, and therefore to ensure appropriate interaction with the wider global community on such issues. Identifying objectives that are consistent with its responsibility and influence are an additional challenge faced by CCAMLR.
Ecosystem assessment could help CCAMLR to meet these various challenges by providing a comprehensive characterization of the status, trends, and drivers of change to ecosystems and the services they provide for human well-being. A regional ecosystem assessment for the Southern Ocean would address its under-representation in existing global assessments. Such an assessment would also have benefits for CCAMLR and the wider ATS. Firstly, it would increase knowledge about the connections between the broad suite of Southern Ocean ecosystem services and the social and economic goals of CCAMLR Members. Clearer information on the value of ecosystem services would address the existing need for information about the objectives for each component of the three-way trade-off. It would also promote consideration of ecosystem services that are not currently represented in decision-making. Secondly, an assessment which gives equal consideration to the full range of provisioning, supporting, regulating and cultural services would be a substantial undertaking involving a wide community. This, in itself, could help forge more substantial links between the different components of the ATS. The end product would provide a consistent basis for coordinating activities related to managing or understanding ecosystem impacts.
The information presented here could provide a starting point for such an assessment. New research would be needed to fill some obvious gaps such as the spatial mapping (e. g. Naidoo et al. 2008, Maes et al. 2018) and economic valuation (e. g. Costanza et al. 1997) of ecosystem services, and the assessment would serve as a gap analysis to highlight other data needs. Best-practice developed in many other regional assessments could be useful (Ash 2018). CCAMLR is a user of information on the status and trends of marine ecosystems but it does not fund or directly mandate the collection of such data. The reliance of CCAMLR on donated information is a significant challenge to both the achievement of an ecosystem assessment and the long-term management of ecosystem services in the Southern Ocean (Hill 2018a, 2018b). There are several potential solutions, including a new initiative by the fishing industry to support the scientific work of CCAMLR (Nicol et al. 2018). We acknowledge that an ecosystem assessment would be a significant task in terms of resource requirements and coordination effort, but we believe it would deliver significant and long-term practical benefits.
The ecosystem services provided by the Southern Ocean are significant on a global scale, as illustrated by the potential of Antarctic krill to supply the equivalent of 11% of current world fishery landings. The terms “ecosystem services” and “ecosystem assessment” are not commonly used within the community concerned with managing human activities in the Southern Ocean. Nonetheless this community is actively gathering and applying much of the information that ecosystem assessments seek to collate. The Convention, in particular, articulates the requirement to consider trade-offs between ecosystem services. The management of the krill fishery represents a practical implementation of this requirement despite a lack of information about how beneficiaries value the relevant ecosystem services. A formal ecosystem assessment could provide necessary information on the wider suite of ecosystem services that fishing might interact with and how beneficiaries value these services. Such information is likely to aid the future development of krill fishery management and help remove the current reliance on interim measures. Formal and comprehensive ecosystem assessment would require considerable investment but could substantially improve coordination between management bodies focused on different human activities at both the regional and global scale.
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This paper is a contribution to the Natural Environment Research Council core-funded British Antarctic Survey Ecosystems programme. We are grateful to Sigve Nordum of Aker Biomarine for supplying some of the information presented in Table II .
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